Here are the research papers to support what I talk about today: Cheng, CW, Adams, GB, Perin, L, Wei, M, Zhou, X, Lam, BS, De Sacoo, S, Mirisola, M, Quinn, DI, Dorff, TB, Kopchick, JJ, Longo, VD. Prolonged Fasting reduces IGF-1/PKA to promote hematopoietic stem cell-based regeneration and reverse immunosuppression. Cell Stem Cell. 2014 Jun 5; 14(6): 810–823. PMID: 249051672. Wu, S. Fasting triggers stem cell regeneration of damaged old immune system. USC News. Link Here3. Marziali, C. Fasting weakens cancer in mice. USC News. Link Here Buono, R, Longo, VD. When fasting gets tought, the tough immune cells get going-or die. Cell. 2019 Aug 22;178(5):1038-1040. PMID: 31442398 Anft, M. Don’t feed your head. John Hopkins Magazine. Link Here Traba, J, Geiger, SS, Kwarteng-Siaw, M, Han, K, Ra, OH, Siegel, RM, Gius, D, Sack, MN. Prolonged fasting suppresses mitochondrial NLRP3 inflammasome assembly and activation via SIRT3-mediated activation of superoxide dismutase 2. J Biol Chem. 2017 Jul 21;292(29):12153-12164. PMID: 28584055 Haas JT, Staels B. Fasting the Microbiota to Improve Metabolism? Cell Metab. 2017; 26(4): 584-585. PMID: 28978420 Pietrocola F, Pol J, Kroemer G. Fasting improves anticancer immunosurveillance via autophagy induction in malignant cells. Cell Cycle. 2016; 15 (24):3327-3328. PMCID: 5224452 Mihaylova MM, et al. Fasting Activates Fatty Acid Oxidation to Enhance Intestinal Stem Cell Funciton during Homeostasis and Aging. 2018 May; 22(5): 769-778. PMID: 29727683See for privacy information.