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all that we are with amisha tala oak (fka the future is beautiful)

Latest episodes

Jan 21, 2021 • 1h 39min

Ruby May on Cyclical Living, Deep Rest And New Archetypes - E120

How can we initiate a culture rooted in the cycles of nature and life? In this episode entitled Living Attuned To Life’s Cycles, Amisha talks to Ruby May, an educator, activist, coach and community leader cultivating a world in which cyclical awareness is integrated into the way we relate and create. The themes of empowerment and who we are beyond our conditioning are threads that weave between all her offerings. In this thoughtful conversation, Amisha and Ruby consider lives lived guided by cycles that exist within and outside of our bodies; our hormonal cycles and the seasonal cycles of nature. We learn how solstices and equinoxes can be pivot points of reflection offering the opportunity to deepen our listening, stillness and the visioning of our future attuned with nature’s revelations. Sharing their personal experiences, they speak of the wisdom and insights we might garner when listening and entrusting life to these powerful rhythms. Ruby reveals her ways of living guided by her womb cycles and how it brings forth kinship with our bodies and connection with our creativity. We learn that this way of life offers fundamental pathways to break away from action-mode systems re-connecting us with our sense of play and different rest practices that activate our creativity and integrate our human experiences, especially our vital descend into our personal ‘underworlds’ of deeper layers of pain, grief and fear. Living attuned with cycles of life offers opportunities to shift our dominant culture re-channeling our values and resources into supportive community that understands the signals and rhythms of our bodies as deep intelligence that guides life and aligns us with nature; a culture that invites the power of vulnerability and intuition so that new archetypes may emerge amongst us with intention and presence.   Links from this episode and more at For Amisha's book INTUITION - Be part of AllThatWeAre community by using this link, To work with Amisha one on one, visit
Jan 14, 2021 • 48min

Ask Amisha Anything - E119

How can we cultivate embodiment of our intuition as lived experiences? In this episode entitled Ask Amisha Anything, Amisha Ghadiali, our beautiful host answers some of your questions. We put out a call for you to send in your questions so that they could be answered on the show.  Themes explored through these questions include: what makes an episode of this podcast beautiful, what are archetypes and how can they guide us, and what is the power of online communities.  We enquire if the word leadership is important in shifting paradigms and how to manage staying up to date and not overwhelmed in the age of information.  Amisha shares some of the processes behind her recently published book ‘Intuition: Access your inner wisdom, Trust your instincts, Find your path’, which is a guide of nine principles and over 50 practices that support us in listening and expanding our intuitive skills.   Links from this episode and more at For Amisha's book INTUITION - Be part of AllThatWeAre community by using this link, To work with Amisha one on one, visit
Jan 7, 2021 • 50min

The Way of Beauty - E118

What power does beauty have in shaping our world?  "Beautiful leadership is a way of being in the world that honours why you are truly here, and what is possible. This is the leadership of now - of soul - of feeling into what this future call forth in us and in bringing yourself into alignment with this vision - so that you can embody it in this world in small and perhaps big ways. This is the time to not be a follower, but to dive deep into the gifts of your intuition, and bring what is in your heart alive, with courage and grace. Consider it more as becoming a leader of your own life, living with intentionality and the beauty of your soul. This creates ripples. We need you, this is our time." Amisha Ghadiali In this first episode of the year entitled A Call to Beautiful Leadership, our host Amisha Ghadiali, takes us on an inspiring exploration on why beauty is important and what happens if we open ourselves to live with this presence and grace, no matter what the circumstances. As we find ourselves starting the year amidst more lockdowns and fear, this episode shows us why beauty is important, and what it means to cultivate a reciprocal relationship with this aspect of our aliveness.  We explore the power of the way of beauty and the call to beautiful leadership. In the second part of this episode, some graduates of The Beautiful Leadership Immersion share their experiences of the first programme and what it means to them to be a beautiful leader.    "Beauty has the power to move us, to stop us in our tracks, to transform us.  Beauty is deep and layered. Beauty invites us into a space of possibility, creativity and imagination. Beauty allows us to notice where we are, where we have been and where we might go. Beauty embraces complexity, and the paradox of our humanity. Beauty cracks us open, captivates us and brings us to grace. Beauty connects us to the transcendent nature of our soul. Beauty loves the messiness, the process, the awkwardness, the imperfections. Beauty invites a recognition of the sacred and our interconnectedness. Beauty opens pathways to divine receptivity with the more than human world.   Beauty connects us to the power of our dreams. Beauty sustains us through our challenges and regenerates us. Beauty does not ask for certainty. Beauty leads us to wise decisions. Beauty is a path of intention. Beauty is an offering. Beauty is a whole approach to life."    Amisha Ghadiali      Links from this episode and more at For Amisha's book INTUITION - Be part of AllThatWeAre community by using this link, To work with Amisha one on one, visit
Dec 17, 2020 • 1h 37min

Embodied Intelligence, Intuition and De-conditioning with Sally Kempton - E117

How can we cultivate our intelligence of intuition? In this special episode entitled A Compass For A Beautiful Future (our last of 2020), spiritual teacher Sally Kempton turns the mic and interviews our visionary host Amisha Ghadiali.  Sally Kempton was our guest on Episode 8 and Episode 92. She is one of today’s most authentic spiritual teachers. She teaches devotional contemplative tantra—an approach to practice that creates a fusion of knowing and loving. Sally is the author of Meditation for the Love of It, a groundbreaking book on meditation, and Awakening Shakti.    During this past year, Amisha brought alive a book ‘Intuition: Access your inner wisdom, Trust your instincts, Find your path’. The book shares nine principles, and over 50 practices for cultivating our intuition. In this conversation, Amisha reveals her personal journey of forming a relationship with her intuition; the influence of her upbringing, the de-conditioning from her intellectual patterns, her wilder explorations and near death experiences, all of which guided her to deepen her understanding of the unseen worlds. She shares her learning experiences with teachers and mystics and eventually her coming of age moment in the presence of a tree arriving in a place of trust with herself, her healing modalities and her intuition. We learn that we all have intuition; an embodied intelligence of individual truths and trusts not guided by systems outside of ourselves. However the dominant cultures that forge our systems have somehow tricked us into thinking that we do not have this innate quality or wisdom within. The practices described in Amisha’s book gently guide us into ways of recognising, refining and cultivating this intelligence as part of our evolution;  ways of unleashing this intelligence as a compass leading us into a beautiful future.   Links from this episode and more at For Amisha's book INTUITION - Be part of AllThatWeAre community by using this link, To work with Amisha one on one, visit
Dec 9, 2020 • 1h 18min

Hop Hopkins on Humility, Climate Justice And Liberatory Imagination - E116

How do we create pathways into living our full humanity? In this episode entitled Ecology Of Listening, Amisha speaks with Hop Hopkins, the Director of Strategic Partnerships for the Sierra Club working to promote economic justice and protection to those most affected by climate change and environmental degradation. He has worked in the labor, the climate justice and the housing justice movement. Hop is an Arborist and a Master Gardener living in community and creating a network of residential food forests supporting the development of stable, human-scale solar self-reliant neighbourhood communities. Amisha and Hop explore listening to Earth as a practice of acknowledging our surroundings and our inner voices; an expansive opportunity for becoming conscious, compassionate and empathetic. They reveal how the pandemic, climate change and economy are interrelated and how the overarching system we live in impacts us all in its interconnectedness. They share how the global changes activated during the past year are an invitation to use our liberatory imagination in order to craft new governance and economic models, and new models of community support. Hop shares his personal experiences of living in a self-reliant community and the advantages of such a support system and sharing economy, especially in times of crisis and times of unlearning. He believes that fostering a culture of failing, learning and humility will help us form pathways into collective leadership rooted in sharing and self-governing communities where we may flourish into living our full humanity. This podcast is part of a collaboration with St.Ethelburga’s called ‘Listening to each other, Listening to Earth’.   Links from this episode and more at For Amisha's book INTUITION - Be part of AllThatWeAre community by using this link, To work with Amisha one on one, visit
Dec 3, 2020 • 1h 27min

Richard Rudd on Intuition, Mystery School And Collective Wisdom - E115

How do we become spiritual anchors amidst the sea of change? In this episode entitled The Age Of Synthesis, Amisha talks with Richard Rudd, an spiritual teacher, writer and award-winning poet. All of Richard’s travels and studies coalesced into a synthesis ‘Gene Keys’ exploring the miraculous possibilities inherent in human DNA. Today Richard continues to teach and travel all over the world applying the ‘Gene Keys’ across many fields, from the practical to the mystical.  Amisha and Richard explore intuition as our higher wisdom intelligence that supersedes the fears we are sold and sidesteps the instabilities our systems impose on us. Its signals and languages connect us into the deeper intelligence held within our bodies; a vital skill for grounding and guiding us in our life choices during uncertain times.  Richard reveals that intuition led him to great adventures in his younger years travelling the world off the beaten track gathering a feast of experiences that opened up his lifelong spiritual exploration and realisation that life is magical, and that stretching ourselves into unknown places opens many unexpected doors. They speak about how his adventures of meeting people allover the world and the deeper studies of various spiritual teachings led him to creating ‘Gene Keys’; a wisdom school that offers a transformational journey designed like a labyrinth where we can move through different levels expanding our consciousness blossoming our gifts into purpose, love, peace and prosperity. We learn that we are living in a time of preparation for a new epoch, The Age Of Synthesis, where ancient spiritual teachings and lineages will interact with our playfulness and joy, so we may challenge and stretch them respectfully to gain fresh perspectives and embody them as earthly experiences and practices to uphold us and our future generations amidst a sea of change.   Links from this episode and more at For Amisha's book INTUITION - Be part of AllThatWeAre community by using this link, To work with Amisha one on one, visit
Nov 26, 2020 • 1h 25min

Kailea Frederick on Reflective Activism, Parenting and Climate Justice - E114

What kind of world could we believe in and tend to through practices of deep listening? In this episode entitled The Quiet Revolutions Inside Our Hearts, Amisha speaks with Kailea Frederick, a mother of Tahltan, Kaska and Black American ancestry. Her work sits at the intersection of climate justice, spiritual ecology and resilience thinking. Kailea is the Editor for Loam, a Climate Commissioner for the city of Petaluma, and a facilitator through her own project ‘Earth Is `Ohana’. She co-authored ‘Compassion In Crisis: Learning To Live in an Age of Disaster’. Amisha and Kailea talk about the practice of deep listening as way of being in dialogue with Honua, the trees, the rocks, the elements, ourselves and each other; a vital tool for navigating our complex lives whilst experiencing the discomforts, unpredictability and imbalances of climate change. Kailea shares practical ways of listening to Earth as a climate commissioner working on climate emergency frameworks translating data and charts, observations and climate transitions into guiding documents for crisis management during climate emergencies. Together they explore communities creatively coming together to forge ways forward by uplifting voices and narratives that offer new perspectives and grounding us in simple life, hope, resilience and spiritual practice. Kailea reveals the challenges of being a parent and together they explore the joys and the murkier moments of being a guardian during these times that do not promise safety nor balance, but nonetheless the rewards of personal growth and widening perspectives. We learn that deep listening is an act and gift of reciprocity that can help us shape spaces of shared values where we may find new formats of balance, common goals and a community moving towards the creations of systemic changes. They encourage us to observe the quiet revolutions inside our hearts so we can become the lightbearers of alternative perspectives that will guide the way. This podcast is part of a collaboration with St.Ethelburga’s called ‘Listening to each other, Listening to Earth’.   Links from this episode and more at For Amisha's book INTUITION - Be part of AllThatWeAre community by using this link, To work with Amisha one on one, visit
Nov 18, 2020 • 1h 44min

Rita Hraiz on Initiation, Adornment and Colour - E113

How do we birth a new paradigm through transforming our story? In this episode entitled Dancing In Each Others Radiance, Amisha talks with Rita Hraiz, visionary artist and a respected teacher of Ageless Wisdom and Esoteric Psychology. Rita is deeply versed in the Vajrayana aspect of Tibetan Buddhism and a student of Kalachakra Tantra. She is the designer and founder of Ethical clothing brand Mudra. Amisha and Rita explore how we can honour our radiance and authenticity through the style, materials and adornments we choose to wear and how the clothing and colours we wear effect us. Rita shares her personal journey of her spiritual awakening embracing her identity and creative gifts as a divine presence. She reveals her creation of MUDRA, a clothing brand that is rooted in the beauty of colour therapy, in materials and silhouettes that embrace women’s personal expressions moving past conventional conditioning and perceptions of shapes and sizes. MUDRA represents the essence of her heart. It is regenerative and low in waste production, it lets cultures and traditions flourish, encourages peoples gifts and skills in Nepal, Bali and India, and most of all it is a path that lets RIta unfold her own spiritual journey.  Together they explore the power of adornments as pathways to our authenticity bringing meaning to what we wear, opening up layers of our souls essence, forging deeper connection with divinity and presenting possibility for the reclamation of heritage. We learn about multiple prophecies that guide us to balance the divine feminine and masculine during these shifting times. It is a time where we may gift ourselves a relationship with our creativity and our stillness so that we may rise into healing and love for ourselves and each other becoming butterflies that dance in the power of each others radiance.   Links from this episode and more at For Amisha's book INTUITION - Be part of AllThatWeAre community by using this link, To work with Amisha one on one, visit
Nov 10, 2020 • 1h 24min

Sonya Renee Taylor on Radical Self-Love, Authenticity and Community - E112

How do we stitch a new garment that fits all of humanity and nature? In this episode entitled Stitching Tapestries of Worthiness, Amisha talks with Sonya Renee Taylor, Founder and Radical Executive Officer of ‘The Body is Not An Apology’, a digital media and education company. Sonya’s creation as an award winning performance poet, activist and transformational leader unapologetically leans into radical self-love as a path of liberation. Amisha and Sonya explore the current collective moment where oppressive systems are exposed for their illusions designed to keep us separated from self-love by burying us in individualism, shame and separation. They recognise this moment of interdependence as an invitation offering us ways to make choices from a place of possibility; an invitation that may open us to the reclamation of our worthiness. Sonya believes that we have been systemically disconnected from our own sense of divineness, our sense of enoughness. She shares that we have to raise our consciousness as an act of reclamation to break free from the systems of hierarchy and enforced value categories that have relentlessly conditioned us to prove ourselves. Together they reveal that in order to participate in self-love we have to allow ourselves to be expansive. We have to find the courage to revisit our original stories and see how they’ve shaped our place of value. They share that radical self-love journeys move us into creation of intentional reciprocal and resonant relationships connecting us with the full tapestry of community in order to help us magnify the spectrum of our experiences of self-love. We learn that radical self-love is the fabric that will help us weather the storms of life. Radical self-love is the love that offers pathways to connect us with our soul truths so that we may participate in a vision for a collective future by contributing our true passions moving gracefully into the fullness of our humanity.   Links from this episode and more at For Amisha's book INTUITION - Be part of AllThatWeAre community by using this link, To work with Amisha one on one, visit
Nov 5, 2020 • 1h 21min

Pat McCabe on Emergence, Restoration and Co-Creation - E111

How do we create structures with life at the centre of their being? In this episode entitled Human Gifts Of Kinship, Amisha talks with Pat McCabe ‘Woman Stands Shining’, of the Diné Nation adopted into the Lakota Spiritual Way of Life. She is an international speaker travelling to pray and to share her journey of remembering and listening for the way Home, back to the true nature of being Human Being. Amisha and Pat speak about how the beauty of our names reminds us of our uniqueness, our community spirit and encounters with the mysteries of Earth and life. They talk about Listening to Earth as a practice requiring us to acknowledge that different paradigms co-exist and that we have different ways of being human outside of modern world paradigms. Pat shares her personal stories and encounters with Mother Earth and how she transitioned from a place of deep intellect to a way of somatic knowing. We learn that Earth is always present if we listen and acknowledge ourselves as her beloved children. They explore how indigenous civilisations cultivated ways of knowing that bypassed intellect. We hear how they increased abundance and biodiversity creating ways to thrive continents as living organisms where humans were gifts of kinship that shared knowledge and cultural cross-pollination. They speak about how the loss of their elders during the pandemic means devastating consequences for humanity due to loosing their vital knowledge, language, teachings and ceremony. Pat believes that possibilities are humming in the air leading us into co-creation of new structures with life at the centre of their being. She has been called to lead change of our dividend paradigms with the world’s wealth holders to step from investments to restorations activating our radical self-love, self-trust and our freewill to transform money powers to serve the future of humanity and Mother Earth.   Links from this episode and more at For Amisha's book INTUITION - Be part of AllThatWeAre community by using this link, To work with Amisha one on one, visit

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