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Ben Greenfield Life

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May 23, 2015 • 1h 3min

Healthy Home Fermentation 101, with Ben & Jessa Greenfield

Recorded LIVE from the Argonne Library in Spokane! The average trip to your local health food store exposes you to a colorful variety of fermented foods like kombuchas, yogurts, kefirs and other packaged compounds that promise to maximize your digestive health by increasing your beneficial gut flora. But this whole fermentation thing isn’t exactly a new phenomenon. Cultures around the world have fermented a number of different products. In Asia, there is natto, kimchi,kefir; in the Middle East, pickles , yogurts, and torshi; in Europe use of sauerkraut and rakfisk, and Pacific islanders with poi and kanga pirau. In America, we eat all these and combine with kombucha andchocolate. Why? In simple terms, fermentation makes food healthier. For example, the gut-disrupting lectins, gluten and phylates in grain are reduced by fermentation, while the mineral inhibiting properties of soy are vastly reduced with fermentation. Dairy is another example of a potentially harmful food that can be made beneficial by fermentation, since fermentation breaks down lactose in dairy and decreases the sugar content of dairy, which is great news for anyone who is lactose intolerant or trying to limit sugar consumption. Limiting damage to the gut is just one benefit of fermentation, and for many people trying to optimize wellness, building a healthy immune system and optimizing digestive performance by maximizing probiotic (good bacteria) consumption is another major perk of eating fermented foods. A probiotic rich diet can protect from colon cancer, relieve inflammatory bowel disease and lactose intolerance, improve oral health, increase bioavailability of vitamins, nutrients and minerals in food, and perhaps most significantly, increase the efficiency of the immune system, which is primarily located in your gut. Unfortunately, most commercial probiotic foods that you buy at the grocery store have been pasteurized, packaged improperly for keeping good bacteria alive, or treated with high amounts of added sugars to satisfy a palate conditioned to sweet foods. So what’s the solution? Make fermented foods yourself at home! And in this workshop with Ben and Jessa Greenfield, you’ll learn how to do just that. This skill will be especially useful if you always find yourself with extra vegetables or fruits, or want to store foods for long periods of time. For thousands of years, cultures have known that lacto-fermentation will preserve vegetables for long periods without the use of freezers or canning machine, since the lactic acid formed during fermentation is a natural preservative that inhibits bacteria. Once you learn how to ferment and to appreciate fermented foods, it becomes a simple meal preparation process and a healthy eating skill you know for life. So come and get some newfound fermentation skills that you can use for the rest of your life to make your food more digestible and your body healthier!See for privacy information.
May 23, 2015 • 50min

High Protein Breakfast Myths, Genetic Testing For Exercise, Demystifying Brain Waves & More!

A few weeks ago, I got an email from a podcast listener who said I had to get a guy named "Matt Riemann" on the show. I had never heard of Matt. So as I often do, I had a brief Skype video conversation to "vet" Matt and see if he would be an informative guest for the show, or, as so often happens when some random person solicits a guest to me, a charlatan. Turns out, Matt is the former. Within the first 5 minutes of our Skype conversation, he could tell by my manner of speech and my facial expressions what my cognitive dominance and dominant frequency brain waves were (don't worry, we delve into what that means in today's show). He also told me a high protein breakfast is really not the right thing for many people, and what he really thinks about genetic testing to determine the best exercise or nutrition. We also address these topics on today's show. So who is Matt? Matt describes himself as "a social entrepreneur" in the fields of personalized health and future medicine. He is specifically focused on changing the entire health trajectory of the human race. Seems like small beans, hey? Matt has a masters degree in applied human sciences, is a lecturer and clinical educator at several universities in Australia, and has been recognized for his passion and excellence in educating doctors, health professionals and fitness experts globally over the past 10 years. In 2013, Matt founded the Ultimate Human Foundation, a non­profit with a mission to transform world health and assist in eliminating chronic pain and disease from the planet. Matt has founded 7 businesses in health and medicine over the past 10 years, most recently launching p​,​ a smart health app based on personalized epigenetics and gene expression. In our podcast, you'll discover: -How you can use the field of anthropometry and body typing to determine your cognitive dominance and dominant frequency brain waves... -The real reason why some people do very well on a vegan diet while some people do not... -How to choose the correct diet based on whether you're an overmethylator or undermethylator... -How to plan vacations according to your body profile and circadian rhythm, including the time and place to go for rapid rejuvenation... -How to use genetic testing to determine the best exercise or nutrition plan without actually getting a salivary test for genetics... -How your genes influence the social interactions that will energize you, and those that will drain you... -And much more! Resources we discuss during this episode: -The website... -Matt's TedX talk "Epigenetics & Personal Health: Can We Control Our Own Future?"... -Get Fit Guy's Guide To Achieving Your Ideal Body Type book... -The previous podcast I did with the folks from DNAFit... -Professor John Burn, who oversees genetic analysis for the royal family... Do you have questions, comments or feedback about personalized health and epigenetics? Leave your thoughts at and either myself or Matt will reply! You can also click here to check out the site that Matt and I discuss.See for privacy information.
May 20, 2015 • 48min

How Artificial Light Makes You Fat, Does Red Meat Really Cause Cancer, The Best Grip For Pull-Ups & More! May 20, 2015 Podcast: Can Household Cleaning Chemicals Get Into Your Food, What's The Best Grip For Pull-Ups, How To Use Ketoforce, and How To Use Resistant Starch? Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right (or go to SpeakPipe), use the Contact button on the app, call 1-877-209-9439, Skype “pacificfit” or use the “Ask Ben” form at the bottom of this page. ----------------------------------------------------- News Flashes: You can receive these News Flashes (and more) every single day, if you follow Ben on, and Google+. Why can’t I lose fat? I’m doing everything right! Maybe... Red meat causes cancer? Put that thought on hold until you read the final sentence of this abstract. Here’s a good reason NOT to carb refeed sometimes. ----------------------------------------------------- Special Announcements: The BenGreenfieldFitness Quarterly box has officially launched! When you sign-up, you'll get a Quarterly handpicked box jam-packed with Ben's favorite fitness gear, supplements, nutrients and research-proven biohacks. June 3-6, 2015: Nourish Vermont: Traditional Foods and Health Gathering. Come learn the core principles of traditional diets, inspired by the teachings of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and explore how embracing this lifestyle can contribute to one’s health, wellness and longevity. Hear Ben and Jessa speak on ancestral food preparation methods, and enjoy nutrient-dense, locally and organically grown vegetables, pastured and grass–fed meat, raw dairy products, and fermented vegetables. Click here for all details and to register. Grab this Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Gear package that comes with a tech shirt, a beanie and a water bottle. And of course, this week's top iTunes review - gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben - leave your review for a chance to win some! ----------------------------------------------------- Listener Q&A: As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Brock Skywalker Armstrong, the Podcast Sidekick and Audio Ninja. Can Household Cleaning Chemicals Get Into Your Food? Terrence says: He hopes you can settle a slight domestic dispute between him and his girlfriend. They have a small living space and are wondering about the relative safety of keeping cookware and storable veggies (onions, potatoes) in the same cupboard as the household chemicals. He thinks there is some potential for danger in some of the cleaners to create toxicity in the food and even cookware. Is he being too anal or is she putting them on the fast track to cancer? In my response, I recommend: -How To Detox Your Home article What's The Best Grip For Pull-Ups? Aaron says: He is curious about the difference between grip positions for pull-ups. For instance wide vs. narrow grip. Are some more effective for strength than others. What sort of bar thickness should he be looking for? He loves to do muscle-ups (because they are fun) but are they dangerous to do and are they good for building strength? In my response, I recommend: -Captains Of Crush grip trainer How To Use Ketoforce Par says: He has heard you talk about Ketoforce before. He is wondering how it could be used for running a marathon? What are the practical applications for using it?   How To Use Resistant Starch Rob says: He has a question about how to incorporate resistant starch into his diet. Should it be mixed with protein? Or fat? Does anything mess with it abilities? If you eat it with carbs, does it add to the overall carb load or does it still not digest like a carb? How should he be implementing it into his diet? In my response, I recommend: -Natural Stacks Resistant Starch ----------------------------------------------------- Prior to asking your question, do a search in upper right hand corner of this website for the keywords associated with your question. Many of the questions we receive have already been answered here at Ben Greenfield Fitness! -----------------------------------------------------See for privacy information.
May 16, 2015 • 53min

A Hidden Sleep Killer That Flies Under The Radar (And What You Can Do About It).

A few weeks ago, I received an interesting email from a podcast listener, who cryptically stated... ..."you could improve sleep also by a simple screening of oximetry to rule out OSA in your adrenal fatigue clients. 30% of OSA patients have OSA unrelated to obesity. Me included and I am 9% body fat. Just something to consider since you are doing a lot of cool but out of the box sleep recommendations. This coming from a fan and a board certified sleep specialist." I have to admit that I did not, off the top of my head, even recall what OSA was, and that it had been some time since I'd personally used a little finger pulse oximeter to measure my blood oxygen saturation. I was also intrigued about the fact that many people who don't sleep well, are constantly tired, or experience adrenal fatigue don't seem to know about this issue, so I asked him what he meant. He wrote back and clarified: "Relating to OSA, I was referring to Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome. I like a more accurate description "sleep suffocation". The issue is totally ignored by Primary Care Physicians, let alone the guys that should be investigating it which should be the cardiologists. 30 percent of OSA patients have no obesity contributing to the problem but have craniofacial development deficiencies. The other 70 percent or so end up developing "sleep suffocation" as obesity sets in. Nearly 80 percent of moderate and severe OSA cases are undiagnosed. This is the lion's share of water that sleep specialists deal with every day. The insomnia cases, ASPS, DSPS, jet lag, RLS, PLMD, narcolepsy and the other sleep disorders take a back seat to this OSA issue. You can't address sleep issues thoroughly without thoughtful discussion regarding OSA." Wow. Now that's something that needed some further digging, so I decided to get this guy on the podcast. His name is Dr. Joseph Zelk and he is the Medical Director of the Sleep Medicine Group, which you'll learn more about in this show. In this episode, you'll also discover: -Why many sleep monitoring devices and wearables simply aren't accurate, and how you should really be measuring your sleep... -What a sleep cycle should really look like when it comes to deep sleep vs. light sleep... -Why you should use a pulse oximeter upon waking, and what can it tell you... -How you get OSA, especially if you're a lean active person who eats healthy... -Why more people don't know about OSA, especially physicians... -What you can do to fix OSA... -Are there ways/technologies to measure pulse oximetry all night while you're sleeping? -Which nutrient deficiencies can cause this issue... -And much more! Resources we discuss in this episode: -The Sleep Medicine Group -The MyBasis watch -Pulse oximeters that can measure oximetry while you're asleep -Superhuman Encoder bracelet Do you have questions, comments or feedback about this hidden sleep killer that flies under the radar? Leave your thoughts at!See for privacy information.
May 13, 2015 • 54min

Is Your Blood Pressure Too Low?, WiFi & Kids, Natural Surgery Preparation & More! May 13, 2015 Podcast: Is Your Blood Pressure Too Low, What To Do Before And After Surgery To Recover Faster, Spreading Exercise Through The Day vs. Doing It All At Once, and Is Raw Sweet Potato Healthy? Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right (or go to SpeakPipe), use the Contact button on the app, call 1-877-209-9439, Skype “pacificfit” or use the “Ask Ben” form at the bottom of this page. ----------------------------------------------------- News Flashes: You can receive these News Flashes (and more) every single day, if you follow Ben on, and Google+. YES, you can temporarily change pH of your body to help exercise. Here’s how. And here’s how to ensure you don’t get “the shitz”. Here’s what happens to your body when everything you eat is organic. Lloyd’s of London will no longer insure you or your kid against WiFi. ----------------------------------------------------- Special Announcements: This podcast is brought to you by Harry’s Shaving. Harry's is gifting all listeners of this show $5 off with promo code "ben". That’s right, even if you’re already a loyal Harry user, you will still get $5 off any shaving set with the promo code ben. Try the Winston set - you’ll get the razor, three quality blades, and a tube of their foaming shave gel or shave cream for just $25! The BenGreenfieldFitness Quarterly box has officially launched! When you sign-up, you'll get a Quarterly handpicked box jam-packed with Ben's favorite fitness gear, supplements, nutrients and research-proven biohacks. Tuesday, May 19, 6:30–7:30pm: Free Argonne Library Healthy Home Fermentation class in Spokane, WA. Fermentation is an ancient practice used to preserve fruits and vegetables and also make those foods healthier and more digestible. Fitness and nutrition experts Ben and Jessa Greenfield introduce you to the world of fermentation so you can start preserving at home. June 3-6, 2015: Nourish Vermont: Traditional Foods and Health Gathering. Come learn the core principles of traditional diets, inspired by the teachings of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and explore how embracing this lifestyle can contribute to one’s health, wellness and longevity. Hear Ben and Jessa speak on ancestral food preparation methods, and enjoy nutrient-dense, locally and organically grown vegetables, pastured and grass–fed meat, raw dairy products, and fermented vegetables. Click here for all details and to register. Grab this Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Gear package that comes with a tech shirt, a beanie and a water bottle. And of course, this week's top iTunes review - gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben - leave your review for a chance to win some!  ----------------------------------------------------- Listener Q&A: As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Brock Skywalker Armstrong, the Podcast Sidekick and Audio Ninja. Is Your Blood Pressure Too Low? Carl says: His blood pressure is always well below 90/60 and has always been told how great that is. He just came across a comment from a nutritionist on how low blood pressure could be an indication of an electrolyte imbalance/deficiency. The nutritionist also said that this can lead to depression and insomnia. Carl is wondering what you think of this and if you have an suggestions on how he can raise his blood pressure - aside from adding salt to the diet or mineral drops to water. In my response, I recommend: -Adrenal Stress Index test What To Do Before And After Surgery To Recover Faster Lucy says: Her 7-year-old daughter has to go in for an operation to remove her adenoids, tonsils and bent septum. The doctor says that is the only way she will be able to breath properly. What can she do prior to the surgery and after to prepare and repair her gut from the surgery and the antibiotics? In my response, I recommend: -NatureFlex -EnergyBits (use discount code "BEN" for 10% off your next order of Energy Bits) -Restore Curcumin -Probiotics -American Nutraceuticals Vitamin C-This article by Jack Kruse Spreading Exercise Through The Day vs. Doing It All At Once Jon says: He is also a fan, like you, of doing things like 15 pull-ups every time he passes his pull-up bar or doing 40 press-ups occasionally throughout the day. This "Charles Atlas" type workout can result in some high amounts of reps through out a day but could you explain how this compares to doing a more targeted workout at one time in the day? Like 30-40 minutes of Superset training or German Biometric Training. In my response, I recommend: -Truth About Exercise video Is Raw Sweet Potato Healthy? Allie says: She is wondering what you think of eating raw sweet potato? She likes to have a few thin slices of raw organic raw sweet potato after dinner to cure the after dinner munchies. She thinks it is pretty tasty and it doesn't hurt her stomach at all. Is this an ok thing to do? Any benefits? In my response, I recommend: -This article on raw potatoes.See for privacy information.
May 10, 2015 • 1h 41min

Episode #104: Plant-Based Diets – What You Need To Know

Click to Subscribe to All Ben's Fitness & Get A Free Surprise Gift from Ben. Click here for the full written transcript of this podcast episode If you like this podcast, use the Facebook "Like" button above! Brendan Brazier (pictured above) is interviewed in this podcast about his plant-based diet. In this July 21, 2010 free audio episode: how to eat a plant-based diet, what causes weight gain after workouts, total immersion swimming style, how to cook for more than one, muscle adhesions, what to do about motion sickness while swimming, lead in your supplements, what to look for in a personal trainer, is a vitamin D test worth it, getting a broken bone to heal faster, do you need to gain muscle to lose fat, what is starvation mode, a supplement called sport legs, waist to height ratios, does sugar or fat make you fatter, a bracelet called C-prime, a supplement called Sport Legs, a bar called PR, what to pack on a picnic, training to run downhill. Remember, if you have any trouble listening, downloading, or transferring to your mp3 player just e-mail And don't forget to leave the podcast a ranking in iTunes - it only takes 2 minutes of your time and helps grow our healthy community! Justclick here to go to our iTunes page and leave feedback. Scroll down to donate anything over $15 to the show, and Ben will send you a can also conveniently donate any amount with your phone by simply clicking here. ----------------------------------------------------- Featured Topic: Plant-Based Diets If you've ever wondered if you can pull of a vegan or vegetarian diet, you won't want to miss this interview! Brendan Brazier is one of only a few professional athletes in the world whose diet is 100 percent plant-based. He’s a professional Ironman triathlete, bestselling author on performance nutrition, and the creator of an award-winning line of whole food nutritional products called VEGA. He is also a two-time Canadian 50km Ultra Marathon Champion. -Brendan's story of how he came to implement his current diet while maintaining the life of a pro triathlete. -Brendan walks us through a sample day of eating vegan and answers... -Is this style of eating just for the general population, for athletes, or both? -What are the benefits of a plant-based diet? -Is there a big difference between "raw" vegan and regular vegetarian? -Can you use a plant-based diet and still shop at the average grocery store? -And much more! Click here to get Brendan  Brazier's book "Thrive"! (highly recommended by Ben - pictured to the right) ------------------------------------------------------- Special Announcements: -Think forward to your training next January...Will you be tired of the indoor trainer and the treadmill and that black line on the bottom of the pool? Are you going to be struggling to stay motivated for those wet 5-hour slogs in this rainy/snowy winter climate? Are you planning on ANY 2011 triathlon event from Olympic distance up to Ironman? Then this event is going to be perfect for you. Pacific Elite Fitness is proud to announced an Official 2011 Triathlete Training Camp, January 31-February 7, 2011 at the Endurance Ranch in Austin, Texas! Click here for more details or to register now.  - Join Ben to race a double triathlon in Thailand.! Week 1: Laguna Phuket Triathlon; Week 2: Ironman 70.3 Thailand. Ben can still get you into the sold-out race AND organize your entire trip, but you must e-mail him at within the next week. - Get insider VIP tips and discounts from Ben - conveniently delivered directly to your phone! Just complete the information below... First Name Last Name Email Cell # (1+area code) -Brand new book from Ben: "How To Qualify For Kona": Let's face it. Getting to the Ironman Triathlon World Championships in Kona, Hawaii can be pretty tough. But with this new book from Ben Greenfield and the Rock Star Triathlete Academy, you'll be instantly equipped with what you need to qualify. The comprehensive manual includes: -History Of Kona Ironman World Championships -Qualification Criteria -List Of Qualifying Races -Tips From The Experts On Qualifying -Qualifying Times per Age Group -What To Expect on Race Day -Tips From the Experts on Racing Kona -Race Day Pacing and Fueling Strategies This manual comes straight from the Rock Star Triathlete Academy, and contains all the insider tips you need to begin your road to Kona! Click here to instantly download "How To Qualify For Kona" for only $27. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Listener Q&A: Do you have a question for Ben? Just call 1-877-209-9439 and leave a voicemail, leave a Skype voicemail to username "pacificfit", or e-mail Listener Brad asks: 24 to 72 hours after a hard full body Crossfit workout accompanying my muscle soreness and stiffness, the swollen feeling, will be a 2 to 6 pound weight gain. When the soreness subsides my weight returns back to normal.  What is the cause of this weight gain? Is it normal or healthy? Listener Michael asks: I was wondering why I don't see or hear about the serious/successful athletes using TI swimming.  Do you know why most seem to just do the standard freestyle stroke and steer away from TI?  Do most not know about it, or do they just feel freestyle is good enough. Andrewheeps asks via Twitter: hey ben, any tips for good recipes if cooking for just more than one? Listener Allison asks: I am a sports/deep tissue and myofascial release practitioner. I wanted to ask you two questions: 1) I have a client who is an insulin dependent type 1 Diabetic, training for her first marathon. She struggles with lots of superficial myofascial adhesions, despite using the foam roller religiously and having a session with me every 2-3 weeks. Do you have any suggestions on how to help her body? Would the amino acids you mention help her? Also, as far as fueling for training and races, she has a lot of trouble, and thinks that will be her make/break as to whether she is able to get through the training. She's done her 1/2, but it's uphill form here. 2) Since I have lots of running and cycling under my belt, I often think of trying a tri ;) However, each time I go to the pool to try and swim some laps, I suffer from vertigo/nausea. I have horrible motion sickness on dry land anyway, and often get sick on boats, long car rides, etc... Can you think of anything I can do to help? (Ginger doesn't work and it's impossible to work out on Dramamine/Scop patches) Listener Kai asks: Recently Consumer Reports published findings of high levels of lead and other metals in protein drinks and other supplements (including some green drinks). 1. What is your take on this / how significant is this risk from your perspective? 2. Are there any “certifications” we should look for on supplement labels that provide guidance as to the quality of the ingredients / lab testing? 3. What is your take on In my response, I talk about LivingFuel LivingProtein and Mt .Capra Double Bonded Whey (5% discount code BGF). DougLloyd asks via Twitter: Feel unmotivated to restart lifting & running prgrm. Trainer might help. What should I look for in a personal trainer? In my response to Doug, I mention my team of personal trainers at Pacific Elite Fitness. Listener Gabe asks: I recently have had interest in the Bioletics tests and protocols that you talk about.  I have a limited budget, so I'd like to start with just the Vitamin D test.  Do you think the Vitamin D test is the best place to start with Bioletics? How do I download Podcast episode #53 and #62 (I think) or any other episodes with Dr. Cohen?  Your iTunes page only goes to Podcasts in the #70s, and I can't see how to download episodes from your website.  I use iTunes with my iPhone 4, if that matters. In my response to Gabe, I direct him to Listener Jason asks: I am a cyclist, and last week I was in a crash during a race, resulting in a broken collar bone. My doc says it will be about 4 to 6 weeks until this has healed. I'm wondering if my nutrition over the next several weeks can help or hinder bone healing. Are there certain foods or supplements I should be including in my diet (sufficient calcium for example)? What would you do for a broken bone? In my response to Jason, I direct him to Podcast #49 and Lactoferrin, along with my book, "How To Recover Like Wolverine from X-Men", which you can get for free by clicking here. Listener Zach asks: I'm a 35-year-old former marathoner that has decided to become serious about bike road racing...I realize I need to drop some weight to realize my full potential.I have a theory that I need to gain some muscle in order to lean out, and then I can worry about cannibalizing some of that muscle when it comes time to get into racing shape. I want to be in good functional shape in general, dropping muscle weight only when necessary to race. Should I focus for the next several months on building muscle in order to have that muscle help to burn fat stores, along with reducing fat through a healthy diet, and once my body fat percentage approaches a more ideal level, then worry about reducing muscle mass for racing? I'm never going to be the next Eddy Merckx, but I'd like to do well, and eventually maybe upgrade to Cat 3 or even 2. How would you go about this? Listener Todd asks: I am a male 45 year ol d and 245lbs. I was wondering if 1500 calories a day is a good goal. I dont want it to be too little and slow down my metabolism to much? I do cardio at least 5 days a week, and if the machines are accurate I am averaging about 700 calories burned each day, as well as weight training three days a week. I believe that the mix of calories are what they should be. I just have a worry in the back of my mind that the calorie intake will put my body into starvation mode, especially with the huge calories that I used to consume daily. Listener Toni asks: Just a quick question for podcast....have you ever used Sportlegs if so what are your thoughts about it. Listener Brad asks: Several months ago I watched a Dr. Oz interview where he told Jimmy Kimmel that your maximum healthy waist size should be half your height. Is this true? I am 74 inches tall and my waist is 35 inches, measuring two fingers above the belly button. Is my waist size healthy in relation to my height? Listener Bernice asks: I am curious to know, what is more than likely to make you fatter.  Consuming excess fat or sugar/ carbs?  I always thought the best foods to avoid when trying to loose excess body fat, is to reduce your fat intake.  As the body would prefer to store fat over sugar/ carbs because it takes less calories to do so. In my response to Bernice, I mention my podcast: "How Low Fat Diets Make You Fat". Listener Karen asks: I would love to hear your opinion about the C-Prime bracelet. I am seeing more and more of these and hearing so many claim that this bracelet has made the biggest difference in their running, biking, and swimming; even golf.  Sounds too good to be true. What is your opinion?   Listener Rich asks: I have seen advertisements for a bar called the pr bar in Competitor Magazine. I called and the Pres. of the company answered and told me how his nutrition program would get my body burning fat for energy. Your thoughts?  Have you heard of this bar?  I could not find any nutritional information about it. Listener Fernanda (from Ecuador) asks: I wanted to ask u if u could give some tips as to what to bring a picnic for maximum four people. just food that gives u energy to run all around the place. also im not sure bringing much fruit will help cause it is easiy digested and then we,ll be in the query for a near bathroom. and one last thing - another tip on activities like hit the ball ? please dont say hunting or fishing. Listener Brian asks: I will be doing Syracuse IM70.3 in Sept and have a question on long distance downhill running after a heavy uphill bike course. The Syracuse bike course contains alot of climbing some 2900 foot change in elevation. Then after what I'm sure will be a tough ride the run course is all downhill for 13 miles! Can you offer up any tips on form, position, or training for either the bike and the run that will allow the quads and gluts to survive this back to back test. Listener Tonya has a call in question about hiking at altitude and training hiking muscles. Do you have a question for Ben? Just call 1-877-209-9439 and leave a voicemail, leave a Skype voicemail to username "pacificfit", or e-mail -------------------------------------------- Remember, if you have any trouble listening, downloading, or transferring to your mp3 player just e-mail And don't forget to leave the podcast a ranking in iTunes - it only takes 2 minutes of your time and helps grow our healthy community! Justclick here to go to our iTunes page and leave feedback. Brand new - get insider VIP tips and discounts from Ben - conveniently delivered directly to your phone! Just complete the information below... First Name Last Name Email Cell # (1+area code): Scroll down to donate anything over $15 to the show, and Ben will send you a can also conveniently donate any amount with your phone by simply clicking here. ------------------------------------------------------See for privacy information.
May 9, 2015 • 58min

How To Get Ripped With Yoga.

Dean Pohlman's first yoga class was entirely on accident. He says: “I was looking for the tailor and stumbled into a Bikram Yoga studio. I had always been interested in yoga but had never taken a yoga class before that day. I asked the yoga instructor if this class would help my athletic performance. [At the time I was a lacrosse player for the University of Wisconsin.] She told me that it would help me tone my muscles and make me much more flexible. That was exactly what I was looking for. Two hours later, drenched in sweat from head to toe, feeling like I had just exited the pool, and utterly exhausted, I had just completed my first yoga class. It was, and probably will remain, the hardest workout that I have ever done. From that point on, I was sold.” After two months of doing yoga consistently, Dean realized that the benefits of yoga extended far beyond flexibility... “My level of limberness skyrocketed, and so did my endurance, body control, core strength, and balance, just to name a few of the benefits I was experiencing. More than that, it made me even stronger in the weight room.” Dean first began instructing yoga as the conditioning coach of his lacrosse team in 2011. That success encouraged him to take his knowledge and passion to a larger audience, and in January of 2013, Dean founded Man Flow Yoga in order to bring the physical benefits of yoga to as many people as possible, and since then, Dean has been teaching at gyms, parks, workshops, international retreats, and online. As you can see in the photos above and below, Dean has certainly figured out how to get ripped with yoga, and in today's podcast you'll discover: -If it is possible to separate the movements involved in yoga from the spirituality and philosophy of yoga... -What makes Dean's form of yoga different from other forms of yoga... -Why the the yoga industry has done a poor job in reaching the male audience or the extreme fitness crowd... -What you'll find in Dean's book "Yoga Basics for Men"... -And much more! Questions, comments or feedback about how to get ripped with yoga? Leave your thoughts at, and be sure to check out Dean's book "Yoga Basics for Men". See for privacy information.
May 6, 2015 • 1h 8min

The Best Way To Measure Body Fat, Tricks To Increase Pain Tolerance During Workouts, Colloidal Minerals & More! May 6, 2015 Podcast: Exercising In The Heat vs. Sauna Training, Should You Use Colloidal Minerals, Healthiest Way To Clean Water Bottles, How To Increase Pain Tolerance During Workouts, and Using Skulpt To Measure Body Fat. Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right (or go to SpeakPipe), use the Contact button on the app, call 1-877-209-9439, Skype “pacificfit” or use the “Ask Ben” form at the bottom of this page. ----------------------------------------------------- News Flashes: You can receive these News Flashes (and more) every single day, if you follow Ben on, and Google+. SUPER simple but accurate equation for your resting metabolic rate if you already know body fat %: 12*Lean Body Mass + 2*Fat Mass. Or you can use the calculators at Interesting…4 ways to know if your beef is grass-fed. Women get injured from hips down, men from feet up. ----------------------------------------------------- Special Announcements: This podcast is brought to you by Onnit, where you can get punishing maces, steel bells, primal bells, medicine balls and much more. You save 10% at The BenGreenfieldFitness Quarterly box has officially launched! When you sign-up, you'll get a Quarterly handpicked box jam-packed with Ben's favorite fitness gear, supplements, nutrients and research-proven biohacks May 22-26, 2015: Custom Father-Son Wilderness Program with Ben Greenfield. Imagine taking five days with your son(s), and connecting deeply with nature and your boy(s) through ancestral wilderness survival skills, all within a small "tribe" of other fathers & sons that are like minded with similar values. Since the dawn of time, fathers and sons have bonded deeply in and with the wilderness. Ancestral wilderness skills have an innate ability to deepen the Father-Son connection like nothing else. During this custom Father-Son Wilderness Program, we'll make fire by friction, build and sleep in natural shelters, learn traditional hunting and gathering techniques, and track wild animals. Primitive wilderness survival isn't a "Man vs. Wild" scenario, it is an opportunity to build a deep relationship with the Earth. As you and your son do so, you'll find that your relationship with your son deepens in powerful ways. Click here for all details and to register. June 3-6, 2015: Nourish Vermont: Traditional Foods and Health Gathering. Come learn the core principles of traditional diets, inspired by the teachings of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and explore how embracing this lifestyle can contribute to one’s health, wellness and longevity. Hear Ben and Jessa speak on ancestral food preparation methods, and enjoy nutrient-dense, locally and organically grown vegetables, pastured and grass–fed meat, raw dairy products, and fermented vegetables. Click here for all details and to register. Grab this Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Gear package that comes with a tech shirt, a beanie and a water bottle. And of course, this week's top iTunes review - gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben - leave your review for a chance to win some!  ----------------------------------------------------- Listener Q&A: As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Brock Skywalker Armstrong, the Podcast Sidekick and Audio Ninja. Exercising In The Heat vs. Sauna Training Whole Doods: Ben talks a lot about Cold Thermogenesis and using saunas for fitness and health but what about just exercising in a hot location. He lives in Sierra Leone and when he works out, it is like he is always in a sauna and his heart rate is just jacked immediately and he sweats like a pig. Is he getting any added benefit by combining his hot environment with working out? In my response, I recommend: -This podcast on How To Use Heat Exposure Should You Use Colloidal Minerals? Wade: He recently heard about colloidal minerals from a friend of his (Dr Joel Wallick) and is wondering what you know about them and what your take is on them.   Healthiest Way To Clean Water Bottles Meg: She is wondering what you use to clean your bike bottles and straws. She usually soaks hers in hot water and some bleach but is wondering if that is the best thing for her. What do you do? In my response, I recommend: -BPA Free Cycling Bottles How To Increase Pain Tolerance During Workouts Lara: She wants to know how you deal with discomfort and pain and what it takes to get through training with the rules you set for yourself. She uses distraction and music and has read how effective that can be and she is wondering what your view is on this. She does have a lot of pain and distraction works well for her but is looking for some of your secrets.   Using Skulpt To Measure Body Fat Sol: He's been hearing a lot about this new $200 body fat composition gadget called Skulpt and is wondering if it is really as good as their marketing material states? It uses electrical impedance which is in those cheaper devices but apparently they do it better. What do you think?   ----------------------------------------------------- Prior to asking your question, do a search in upper right hand corner of this website for the keywords associated with your question. Many of the questions we receive have already been answered here at Ben Greenfield Fitness!See for privacy information.
May 2, 2015 • 51min

Wild Dieting, Fat Fasting, Scary Rice, The Worst Thing To Do When You Get Sick & How To Drop 25 Pounds In A Month.

Abel James, AKA "The Fat Burning Man", joins me today to share some juicy gems from his new book "The Wild Diet: Get Back to Your Roots, Burn Fat, and Drop Up to 20 Pounds in 40 Days". Abel is a speaker, entertainer, and consultant, and he has presented keynotes for the Federal Government, lectured at Ivy League universities, and advised Fortune 500 companies including Microsoft, Danaher, and Lockheed Martin. Also a musician and songwriter, Abel studied at the Royal College of Music and has toured internationally, jammed with country superstars, and won several awards for vocal performance. As you can probably guess by the title, we go all over the place on this one, and you'll discover: -How “fat-fasting” works... -The best piece of fitness advice Abel has ever gotten... -Most people think rice is a pretty safe starch, but Abel disagrees and explains why... -What you can learn from of Pottenger’s cats... -One trick to drop 25lbs in a month... -How the wild diet for pets work (and the shocking ingredients in "healthy" pet food)... -The absolute worst thing to do when you get sick... -The mysterious contents of Abel’s Adventure Pack... Resources we discuss in this episode: -Eat That Frog book Do you have questions, comments or feedback about The Wild Diet and the variety of topics we chat about on today's show? Leave your thoughts at!See for privacy information.
Apr 30, 2015 • 32min

How To Find A Doctor Wherever You Are.

Although for the past decade I've used a health savings account (HSA) combined with managing my own high deductible health insurance, the passage of Obamacare Affordable Health Care Act ironically tripled my private health insurance costs and left me forced to find a new plan. So this year, I went through the process of applying for health insurance through Washington Health Plan Finder. After dozens of hours of website crashes, tech support nightmares and nerve-wracking lapses in my health insurance coverage, I finally secured coverage. So health insurance is something fresh on my mind. And how about finding a physician? In the past, I've interviewed my own physicians here in the local Spokane, Washington area, including Dr. Todd Schlapfer and Dr. Toby Hallowitz, and I used the same two-step process to find these doctors as I typically recommend to most folks: 1) Ask around in your local community of like-minded folks about which doctor they recommend; 2) Use these directories that can help you find a good functional medicine or naturopathic practitioner in your area: • • • • • But now, it appears that there is a new website and app for finding a doctor wherever you are. It's called "BetterDoctor", and in today's interview, I speak with Ari Tulla, creator of BetterDoctor, about what BetterDoctor actually is, and how it may help you find a medical practitioner appropriate for your needs, find health insurance or find a specific procedure. You'll discover: -Which specific algorithms go into how a doctor is rated... -How to know which cities where big pharma pays doctors the most...  -How you can differentiate between alternative medical practitioners such as naturopathic vs. Western allopathic medicine... -How to locate a list of doctors who has done the highest number of the specific medical procedures that you need... -How to know which health insurance plan is going to allow you access to the best doctors in your area.... -How to know whether you or your insurance are getting overcharged for specific medical procedures... Do you have questions about where to find a doctor wherever you are? Your own doctor directory that you recommend? Leave your thoughts and comments at for privacy information.

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