
Tim Muehlhoff

Biola communications professor

Top 5 podcasts with Tim Muehlhoff

Ranked by the Snipd community
15 snips
Jul 1, 2024 • 1h 9min

Cancel Culture vs. Meaningful Conversations: Dr. Tim Muehlhoff

Listen to Dr. Tim Muehlhoff discuss navigating meaningful dialogues across differences, exploring the impact of cancel culture on church communities, fostering empathy in conversations, and the challenges of having constructive dialogues in today's polarized environment.
6 snips
Jul 23, 2024 • 58min

Christians and Preferred Pronouns: A Dialogue (with Tim Muehlhoff)

Communications professor Tim Muehlhoff and Sean discuss Christians using preferred pronouns. They explore common ground and disagreements on LGBTQ conversations, navigating tough Christian dialogues, disputable church issues like same-sex marriage, gender identity, and cultural sensitivity in biblical contexts. The dialogue focuses on building trust, respect, and understanding in discussing sensitive topics.
Sep 10, 2024 • 58min

Preferred Pronouns: A Christian Debate.

Dr. Tim Muehlhoff, a communications professor at Biola University, joins the conversation on the role of preferred pronouns in Christian communities. They debate whether using these pronouns reflects respect or undermines biblical teachings. The dialogue covers navigating relationships with the LGBTQ community, the importance of empathy in discussing gender identity, and the need for understanding amidst differing interpretations of scripture. They emphasize fostering respectful dialogue and the complexities of communication in culturally sensitive discussions.
Aug 20, 2024 • 54min

The Key to Navigating Minefield Conversations (with Love and Truth)

Tim Muehlhoff, an expert in communication during polarized times, joins to discuss navigating difficult conversations with empathy and understanding. He shares insights from their book on moving past cancel culture to achieve meaningful dialogue. The discussion highlights the impact of social media on public discourse and the need for a balanced approach in political conversations. Muehlhoff emphasizes perspective-taking and emotional engagement as key strategies for bridging ideological divides, making way for constructive communication.
Jul 9, 2024 • 47min

Bridging Beliefs: A Dialogue Between Christian and Atheist Perspectives

Atheist journalist Adam Davidson and Tim Muehlhoff discuss cancel culture, perceptions of evangelicals, civil discourse, and the importance of dialogue between differing worldviews in a respectful and thoughtful manner.