
Rhett Bennett

Leads ReSeed's strategic direction and daily operations, with a background in real estate investing and hedge funds.

Best podcasts with Rhett Bennett

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42 snips
Feb 6, 2024 • 1h 1min

Rhett Bennett & Moses Kagan: The Most Innovative Approach (Yet) to Real Estate Investing

Rhett Bennett and Moses Kagan, co-founders at ReSeed Partners, talk about their innovative approach to real estate investing, similar to venture accelerators. They discuss scaling to new markets, long-term investing, future plans, real estate laws, reflecting on building a development business, predicting future cities for investment, and democratizing access in the industry.
6 snips
Apr 25, 2023 • 1h 43min

#278 - Moses Kagan & Rhett Bennett - Co-Founders of ReSeed Partners - Building the Y-Combinator for Real Estate Operators

 We'd appreciate you filling out our audience survey, so we can continuously work on providing relevant content to our listeners. https://www.thefortpod.com/surveyMoses Kagan is co-founder and partner at Adaptive Realty, a Los Angeles-based real estate development and property management company with $200MM in AUM and more than 1,000 apartments under management. He is also a co-founder of Re-convene, a real estate private equity un-conference, and ReSeed, which provides mentorship and capital to early-career operators.Rhett leads ReSeed's strategic direction and daily operations. He most recently served as Co-Managing Partner at Minot Capital, LP, where he led real estate investing. Previously, Rhett was President and Director of Research at Stillwater, a long-short hedge fund, and Chief Investment Officer at Arlington Family Offices. Rhett received a Bachelor of Arts from Brown University with a double major in Business Economics and History.On this episode, Chris, Moses and Rhett discuss:➡️ How ReSeed works➡️ What ReSeed is looking for in Partners➡️ How ReSeed empowers Operators to build their own companies➡️ What success looks like for Operators working with ReSeed➡️ Thoughts on the state of the Real Estate MarketChapters(00:03:31) - Rhett’s career(00:04:26) - Moses’ evolution in thinking over the past 5 year(00:06:40) - Launching ReSeed Partners(00:19:05) - Defining Subinstitutional(00:20:58) - Cohort #1(00:34:18) - The ReSeed Partner Track(00:39:35) - Is this a renovation strategy or is there any ground-up involved?(00:40:22) - What does a partnership with y’all look like in the first year?(00:43:58) - What markets are you open to?(0048:28) - How would you determine a successful year for an operator?(00:53:44) - How does the partnership work? What does someone get from y’all and what do they give up?(01:00:20) - Do partners have the opportunity to exit?(01:01:45) - Holding assets for the long term(01:04:40) - Autonomy for the operator(01:07:18) - Is there anything that is off-limits?(01:08:41) - Moses’ playbook(01:11:16) - How are you capitalizing this?(01:17:15) - How many people can be in one market before it's saturated?(01:17:57) - Other members of ReSeed(01:19:04) - Guaranteeing loans(01:22:11) - What are the couple of things people spend the majority of their time on?(01:25:39) - Is there a minimum size deal?(01:27:06) - What can this business look like 10 years from now?(01:29:06) - Thoughts on the current marketAdditional Resources👉 ReSeed Partners👉 Moses on Twitter👉 Rhett on LinkedIn➡️ Learn more about BetterPitch➡️ Fort Capital: www.FortCapitalLP.com➡️ Follow Fort Capital on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/fort-capital/➡️ Follow Chris on Twitter: www.twitter.com/FortWorthChris➡️ Follow Chris on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/chrispowersjr/➡️ Sign Up for our Newsletter: https://newsletter.thefortpod.com/➡️ Subscribe to The FORT on YouTube--The FORT Podcast with Chris Powers is a place where you can find meaningful conversations about entrepreneurship, real estate, investing, and more.Be sure to follow the podcast, so you never miss an episode!The FORT is produced by Johnny Podcasts