

Discussion about the recent news around Reddit going public and the business of online platforms.

Top 5 podcasts with Niko

Ranked by the Snipd community
37 snips
Aug 13, 2024 • 56min

EP#191 | Niko gets HEATED about YouTube Drama and Corporate Greed

Niko, a founder of a YouTube company, passionately discusses the chaos of YouTube drama and the significant impact of corporate greed. He dives into recent controversies involving a notable creator, shedding light on issues like mob mentality and journalistic ethics. Niko also explores the challenges of leadership in a growing company, emphasizing employee well-being amidst public scrutiny. With insights on the blurred lines between creators and corporations, he highlights the necessity for accountability in the evolving landscape of online fame.
13 snips
Jun 26, 2023 • 59min

EP#177 | Has Reddit Lost it's Way? Reddit IPO and the Money of Social Media

Niko joins Jake, Dean, and Griffin on the cast to discuss the recent news around Reddit going public, the business of online platforms, as well as their own Social Media habits and recommendations of their favorite YouTube channels. SUPPORT ► Join Our Website: https://bit.ly/Crew_Membership Instagram: http://bit.ly/_Corridor_Instagram Sub-Reddit: http://bit.ly/_Corridor_Sub-Reddit Buy Merch: http://bit.ly/Corridor_Store Creative Tools ► Puget Computers: https://bit.ly/Puget_Systems Aputure Lights: https://bit.ly/Corridor_Lights B&H Photo: https://bhpho.to/3r0wEnt ActionVFX: https://bit.ly/TheBest_ActionVFX Cinema4D: http://bit.ly/Try_Cinema4D Nuke: https://bit.ly/Nuke_Compositing Houdini: https://bit.ly/HoudiniSims Octane Render: http://bit.ly/Octane_Wrender Epidemic Music: http://bit.ly/Corridor_Music
Jul 28, 2024 • 1h 42min

S2E14: Status Quo zu den gesundheitlichen Aspekten der veganen Ernährung - Was wissen wir wirklich?

Niko Rittenau ist Ernährungsmediziner und hielt einen Vortrag über die gesundheitlichen Aspekte der veganen Ernährung. Er diskutiert die Evolution der Ernährung und die Rolle pflanzlicher Nahrungsmittel. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf essenziellen Nährstoffen und den Herausforderungen der veganen Ernährung, wie der Supplementierung von Vitamin B12. Niko beleuchtet kritische Perspektiven, einschließlich potenzieller Nährstoffdefizite, und hinterfragt, ob die vegane Ernährung tatsächlich die gesündeste Option ist. Zudem reflektiert er über ethische und gesundheitliche Argumente.
Apr 16, 2024 • 2h 6min

All too Human: Niko's Struggle with Alcoholism

Niko, a working-class person, shares his struggle with alcoholism in a raw and honest conversation. Topics include seeking treatment, therapeutic bonding with horses, navigating recovery resources, hidden addiction, tactics of alcoholism, reflection on sobriety journey, childhood trauma's role in addiction, and embracing growth through challenges.
Feb 9, 2018 • 46min

Fun Friday 07: Interview with Niko of Nihongo Shark #2

Alex interviews Niko of Nihongo Shark who discusses the features of Nihon Washag, incorrect information on Japanese Yahoo, the Dunning-Kruger effect, English education in Japan, job interviews in Japan, creating Nihongo Shark and publishing a book, and future collaborations.