
Matthew Crawford

Philosopher, mechanic, and author of "Shop Class as Soulcraft" and "Why We Drive." He explores the philosophical implications of driving and technology.

Top 3 podcasts with Matthew Crawford

Ranked by the Snipd community
34 snips
Mar 4, 2023 • 1h 37min

The Psychopolitics of Masturbation with Matthew Crawford

Matthew Crawford joins me to discuss his essay, "Was the Sexual Revolution a Government Psy-Op?," the politics of masturbation, Wilhelm Reich, the Frankfurt School, masculinity, the therapeutic state, and more. https://unherd.com/2022/12/the-politics-of-masturbation/ https://mcrawford.substack.com/
17 snips
Nov 24, 2023 • 46min

Matthew Crawford On Antihumanism And Social Control

Matthew Crawford, a writer and philosopher, discusses his background growing up in Berkeley, his time in an ashram, and his career journey as an unlicensed electrician. He explores the impact of administrative control and regulations on individual agency, the concept of anti-humanism, and the distrust of the body. The podcast also touches on topics such as the trans debate, queering, and the ancient Greeks' discovery of the idea of nature.
8 snips
Jun 15, 2020 • 57min

#619: What Driving Tells Us About Agency, Skill, and Freedom

Matthew Crawford, a philosopher and mechanic known for his works like "Shop Class as Soulcraft," dives into the philosophical implications of self-driving cars. He cautions against losing our agency and skill as we transition from drivers to passengers. Crawford highlights how driving embodies freedom, exploration, and mastery, while critiquing the safety-centric future of mobility. The discussion broadens to touch on the cultural significance of activities like hot rodding and how they relate to self-governance and human values.