
Mark Pimentel

Gastroenterologist specializing in the study and treatment of IBS and SIBO.

Top 3 podcasts with Mark Pimentel

Ranked by the Snipd community
33 snips
Sep 27, 2023 • 1h 4min

IBS: It’s Not In Your Head—Advances In Diagnosing And Treating, Bloating And Tummy Troubles with Dr. Mark Pimentel

Dr. Mark Pimentel, an expert in IBS and SIBO, discusses the root cause of these conditions and strategies for improving gut health. Topics include comprehensive testing, magnesium supplementation, a new breath test for gut bacteria, different treatments for tummy troubles, the low FODMAP diet, autoimmune neuropathy, the gut-brain connection, and advocating for your own health.
31 snips
Nov 16, 2021 • 1h 1min

SIBO & IBS: The Latest Research & Testing Options with Dr. Mark Pimentel | Ep 181

Dr. Mark Pimentel, renowned gastroenterology expert and researcher, discusses the latest research on IBS and SIBO, including new testing options. Topics include leading causes of IBS, the overlap between IBS and SIBO, diagnosing these conditions with blood and breath tests, debunking widely accepted concepts about SIBO, and the limitations of the low-FODMAP diet. A must-listen for clinicians, practitioners, and anyone interested in gut health and research.
14 snips
Nov 5, 2021 • 25min

The Ultimate Guide To Overcoming IBS! - with Dr. Mark Pimentel | Ep. 28

Dr. Mark Pimentel, Expert on IBS and its potential causes, discusses the complexities of IBS, including causes, symptoms, and the connection to SIBO. They explore the treatment of SIBO with antibiotics and herbal cocktails, as well as the role of antibodies. The challenges in testing for SIBO and approaching doctors for treatment are also discussed. The advancements made in understanding and treating IBS are highlighted, along with the importance of finding a knowledgeable doctor.