
John Kaag

Professor of philosophy who discovered an abandoned library containing rare philosophical works, leading to his book "American Philosophy: A Love Story."

Top 5 podcasts with John Kaag

Ranked by the Snipd community
54 snips
May 10, 2023 • 43min

Thoreau on Making a Living

John Kaag, a philosophy professor and co-author of "Henry at Work: Thoreau on Making a Living," dives into the often-overlooked practical side of Henry David Thoreau. They discuss Thoreau's hands-on work experiences, revealing how meaningful labor fosters personal fulfillment. Kaag emphasizes the spiritual satisfaction found in manual tasks, challenging listeners to rethink the balance between work and leisure. The conversation also prompts reflections on societal pressures in the workplace and the true value behind the jobs we pursue.
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Jun 20, 2023 • 1h 1min

How to Simplify Your Life and Find More Fulfillment in Your Work with John Kaag

John Kaag is a renowned philosopher and author who brings fresh insights into the timeless wisdom of Henry David Thoreau. With impressive academic achievements under his belt, including teaching writing at Harvard and serving as a professor at UMass Lowell, John possesses a unique perspective on Thoreau’s philosophy regarding work and intentional living. Drawing inspiration from his own life’s journey and the challenges of balancing personal fulfillment with professional obligations, John invites us to explore new ways of finding meaning and purpose in their work. In this episode, you will be able to: Explore how seeking purpose and meaning in your work enhances overall fulfillment Learn from Thoreau’s ideals on the balance between work, personal development, and conscious living Shift your relationship with work by placing emphasis on your core values and beliefs Embrace a simpler lifestyle that fosters a sense of satisfaction unencumbered by material expectations Engage in continuous self-discovery to refine your values and manifest a rich, authentic life. To learn more, click here.See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
20 snips
Jul 27, 2023 • 52min

WORK: Henry David Thoreau on Making a Meaningful Living

Henry David Thoreau was a philosopher, poet, and pencil-maker. He was a great resigner and, above all, a superb writer whose masterpiece, "Walden," is considered by many to be America's first environmentalist manifesto.But John Kaag has a different view."Thoreau's attempt to 'get back to nature,'" he and co-author Jonathan Van Belle write in their new book, "Henry at Work: Thoreau on Making a Living," was an "attempt to get away from the capitalist rat race." By resigning from that race, Thoreau was, in a sense, reclaiming life—he was making a conscious choice about what to respect and where to tap meaning. "The abiding message of 'Walden,'" according to John and Jonathan, is that "the frenetic busyness of modern life should never be confused with the essential business of living."Today on the show, John Kaag and our producer Caleb Bissinger explore Thoreau's life and career, and they come away with surprising lessons about why we work and how we can make it more meaningful—how we can, in Thoreau's words, "live deliberately."If you have questions, comments, or ideas for future guests, email us at podcast@nextbigideaclub.comGuest: John KaagBook: "Henry at Work: Thoreau on Making a Living"Host: Caleb BissingerThe Next Big Idea is produced in partnership with LinkedIn Presents
14 snips
Feb 6, 2019 • 40min

#480: Hiking With Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche is one of the most polarizing and misunderstood of modern philosophers. Dismissed by some and misinterpreted by others, the real philosophy of Nietzsche in fact holds some incredibly life-affirming truths for everyone, regardless of belief or age. My guest today has spent much of both his personal and professional life tracking down those insights. At the age of 19 and then again at age 37, he traveled to the Swiss town where Nietzsche wrote his famous work, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, and learned something different on each trip from the mustachioed philosopher about living a life of meaning and significance. His name is John Kaag, and he’s a professor of philosophy and the author of Hiking With Nietzsche: On Becoming Who You Are. In this compelling conversation, John discusses what he learned about life hiking the same mountain Nietzsche hiked, including the role that walking itself played in Nietzsche's approach to thinking. We begin with the biggest misconceptions about the philosopher, including what he really meant when he said “God is dead." John then walks us through Nietzsche's idea of the will to power, how this impulse should be balanced with amor fati -- the love of fate -- in order to achieve Nietzsche's ideal of becoming who you are, and the different things his philosophy can mean to a young man and to one approaching middle age. Get the show notes at aom.is/kaag.
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May 26, 2022 • 56min

John Kaag || How William James Can Save Your Life

Today we welcome John Kaag, the Chair and Professor of philosophy at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. He received his Masters in Philosophy from Pennsylvania State University and his Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Oregon. His writing has been published in The Paris Review, The New York Times, and Harper’s Magazine. He is the author of Hiking with Nietzsche, American Philosophy: A Love Story, and his most recent book is Sick Souls, Healthy Minds: How William James Can Save Your Life.In this episode, my conversation with John Kaag revolves around the existential question we’ve all had: is life worth living? John expounds on William James’ answer of “maybe”. He shares about his near-death experience and how vulnerable moments in his life have led him to a more nuanced understanding of philosophy. We also touch on the topics of metaphysics, determinism, suffering, religion, and transcendence. Website: johnkaag.comTwitter: @JohnKaag Topics03:53 Existential anxiety, fear, freedom08:50 Is life worth living? 11:14 Seizing control over existence14:23 Metaphysical chance is real17:36 The unseen order and human blindness25:43 “Living unnecessarily near our surface”30:18 Pragmatism, zest, authenticity33:26 Resignation or hope in the face of mortality 38:10 Dissolution of the self42:26 Spiritual narcissism44:24 Companions in misery49:28 Melancholy among philosophers52:13 Life is for living 53:41 The loving cupSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.