
Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick

Orthodox Christian priest and co-host of The Lord of Spirits podcast.

Top 10 podcasts with Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick

Ranked by the Snipd community
21 snips
May 31, 2024 • 0sec

The Book of Jubilees

Fr. Stephen De Young and Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discuss the ancient Book of Jubilees, its influence on biblical events, connections to biblical texts, themes of creation, expulsion from paradise, protection prayers, wedding references, rituals, spiritual realities, demonic interactions, time perception, societal patterns, Enoch calendar, devil figure Mastema, and Abram's anti-idolatry role.
19 snips
Apr 14, 2022 • 0sec

How (and How Not) to Read the Bible

Fr. Stephen De Young and Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discuss interpreting the Bible historically and how misinterpretations can occur. They explore the evolution of historical understanding, the use of historical narratives, and the complexities of reading scripture. The podcast covers topics such as the origins of religious terminology, Thomas Aquinas' proofs for God, post-modernism in biblical interpretation, and understanding scriptures through storytelling and tradition.
11 snips
Jul 14, 2023 • 0sec


Fr. Stephen De Young and Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discuss Judgment Day, exploring criteria, Book of Life, and the day before God's throne. They touch on spirits, angels, and saints, enchantment in creation, and end of days in pop culture and religion. The podcast delves into creation, justice, and balance, God's perspective on discernment, Christian theology on doomsday, judgment based on works, books of life in Revelation, righteousness, and salvation through faith and works. They also examine bodily resurrection, Job's suffering, Christ as sin offering, etymology of 'doom', embracing God's judgment, and living a meaningful life.
10 snips
Oct 30, 2020 • 0sec

The Real Demons of Hallowe'en: Special Episode

Orthodox Christian priests Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick and Fr. Stephen De Young discuss the origins of Halloween, ancient religious beliefs, spiritual warfare, divine reclamation, demon worship, and the role of saints in Christian life. They emphasize the interplay between physical and spiritual realms, delve into the battle against Satan's fantasies, and explore God's desire to share his divine life with humans.
Feb 9, 2024 • 0sec

You Are the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Fr. Stephen De Young and Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discuss how Jesus was recognized as the Messiah not only through prophecies but personal experiences. They explore Christ fulfilling Israel's history, embodying the Torah, and the significance of living in the Spirit. The podcast touches on broader topics like existential crises, hand motions in songs, and embracing Jesus as the Jewish Messiah.
Jul 28, 2023 • 0sec

Bad Boys of the Apocalypse

Experts Fr. Stephen De Young and Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick explore apocalyptic themes like the Four Horsemen, Gog and Magog, and locust armies. They discuss interpretations of divine power, biblical symbolism, and the victory of Christ over demons, sin, and death. The hosts dive into the historical, cultural, and symbolic origins of apocalyptic figures like Gog and Magog, while reflecting on the importance of understanding eschatological topics in the Christian faith.
Aug 25, 2022 • 0sec

Thunder Gods and the God Who Thundered

Fr. Stephen De Young and Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick explore thunder gods like Baal, Zeus, and Thor in ancient cultures. They discuss the clash between worship of Yahweh and Baal, the evolution of Zeus and Jupiter in Greek mythology, the significance of Thor in Norse culture, and the adaptation of pagan symbols by early Christians. The hosts also delve into the evolution of Yahweh from a storm god to the supreme deity in Hebrew scriptures, challenging assumptions about monotheism and polytheism.
Jun 26, 2022 • 0sec

The Pattern of the Tabernacle

Fr. Stephen De Young and Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick explore the importance of worship spaces in ancient Israel and the Church, discussing the symbolism of mountains, sacred geography, and the unique significance of the Tabernacle. They delve into the concept of mansions in God's house, Hebrews chapter 8, and the symbolism behind the Altar of Incense. The episode also touches on the divine temple from the Tabernacle to Solomon's Temple, ancient Israel's worship practices, and the significance of the Tabernacle in biblical worship.
Jun 25, 2022 • 0sec

Pantheon and Pandemonium IV: Asynchronous Q&A June 2022

Orthodox priests Fr. Stephen De Young and Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick dive into a wild array of Q&A topics, including nakedness in Genesis, cannibalism vs. Eucharist, women's ministry, transgenderism, and the curse of the Black Tongue. Tune in for intriguing discussions!
Apr 20, 2022 • 0sec

The Harrowing of Hell (read by Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick)

Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick reads the Gospel of Nicodemus, detailing the Harrowing of Hell, where Christ triumphs over death, frees sin's captives, and brings saints to Paradise. Includes miraculous resurrections, divine encounters, and mysterious disappearances that astonish.