
Emily Esfahani Smith

Writer and author who explores the concept of meaning in life and its significance compared to happiness.

Top 5 podcasts with Emily Esfahani Smith

Ranked by the Snipd community
44 snips
Nov 10, 2023 • 40min

How to Craft a Meaningful Life with Emily Esfahani Smith

Emily Esfahani Smith, author and speaker on crafting a meaningful life, discusses the four pillars of a meaningful life: belonging, purpose, storytelling, and transcendence. She explains how fostering belonging, finding purpose, imbuing life experiences with narrative coherence, and achieving transcendence can enrich our lives. Smith emphasizes the importance of connecting, serving, and contributing to others for a more fulfilling life.
27 snips
Jan 12, 2024 • 51min

Flip the Script

Time management expert Laura Vanderkam, non-profit CEO Aisha Nyandoro, environmental data scientist Hannah Ritchie, and writer Emily Esfahani Smith talk about managing time, balancing work and personal life, finding time for what matters, financial planning, shifting perspectives on climate change and sustainability, achieving sustainability, decline in CO2 emissions, and the power of finding fulfillment in life.
4 snips
Jul 10, 2022 • 50min

Episode #2: The Importance of Meaning for Flourishing

Discover the importance of finding meaning in life with Emily Esfahani Smith. Explore the 'four pillars' of meaning, the role of storytelling, spirituality, and belonging in human flourishing. Learn how to embrace a mindset centered around purpose and significance in everyday experiences.
Apr 6, 2024 • 13min

There's more to life than being happy | Emily Esfahani Smith

Emily Esfahani Smith, a writer focused on the nature of meaning, argues that life is more about finding purpose than chasing happiness. She discusses how happiness is fleeting, while true fulfillment arises from belonging, purpose, transcendence, and storytelling. Smith shares personal stories highlighting how relationships and experiences can deepen our sense of meaning. She challenges the cultural obsession with happiness and encourages listeners to seek a more profound, lasting fulfillment in their lives.
Aug 17, 2021 • 26min

Rethinking Our Relationship with Work (Back to Work, Better)

Emily Esfahani Smith, author of “The Power of Meaning,” has long studied how people find fulfillment. As the ongoing pandemic causes many of us to rethink how and why we do our jobs, she offers advice on how to find more enjoyment and engagement, avoid burnout, reset ambitions, and, if necessary, change paths. One key is to define - or redefine - your purpose as it relates to work, and Smith explains how to do that wherever you are in your career.