

Finanztip Experte und Co-Moderator des Podcasts

Top 5 podcasts with Emil

Ranked by the Snipd community
16 snips
Jul 21, 2024 • 54min

VI LÄR AV HISTORIEN - Skogsstriden 1922-1923

Emil, en engagerad deltagare från Göteborgs LS, diskuterar de dramatiska skogsarbetarstrejkerna 1922-1923. Han belyser viktiga frågor kring arbetsvillkor och alternativ till kollektivavtal. Konflikterna mellan LO och SAC utforskas, liksom klasskillnaderna bland arbetarna. Emil framhäver även kampen för att organisera arbetare och de utmaningar som följde. Den historiska bakgrunden ger en fascinerande inblick i arbetsrörelsens historia och dess relevans även idag.
May 7, 2024 • 34min

Perfekt abgesichert? So klappt’s (#186)

Saidi und Emil von Finanztip diskutieren in dieser Folge die Sinnhaftigkeit von Zusatzversicherungen, insbesondere für Reisen und im Krankheitsfall. Empfehlungen für verschiedene Versicherungen und die Bedeutung einer umfassenden Absicherung werden thematisiert. Zudem wird die Bedeutung von Krankengeld, Krankentagegeld und Pflegezusatzversicherungen erläutert, sowie Tipps zur Vermeidung unnötiger Kosten gegeben.
Jan 10, 2023 • 28min

Itamar’s Insecurity and How He Overcame It | Elite Performance Podcast #17

Itamar, an entrepreneur, candidly shares his journey of overcoming insecurity and its detrimental effects on his business. Dr. Emil offers insights on recognizing and addressing insecurities, emphasizing that understanding them can be a source of strength. They discuss the importance of simplifying tasks to focus on authentic growth. The duo delves into balancing ambition with patience for sustainable success, and the significance of self-awareness in navigating personal pressures and expectations. Their conversation encourages listeners to prioritize mental health and emotional fortitude.
Dec 2, 2023 • 1h 25min

Trump and January 6th

Former Homeland Security Advisor and Counterterror Advisor to VP Mike Pence, Olivia Troye, and other guests discuss topics including Trump's legal immunity, the escalation of violence between Israel and Gaza, Hamas' attack plans, the Great Migration, and themes in Sylvia Plath's 'The Bell Jar'
Sep 27, 2021 • 1h 38min

A05E09 The Protagonist, Part 2 (The Nemesis, Part 2)

Join Richard Maxwell, who struggles with moral boundaries, and Dr. Regis Blackgaard, a complex villain, as they delve into their intricate relationship. Lucy grapples with honesty, prompting crucial conversations with Whit and Connie about integrity. Meanwhile, Dr. Impastjana introduces an eerily tempting job opportunity. The discussion touches on the ethics of deception and the fine line between good and evil, all while navigating chaotic interactions that highlight the unpredictable nature of relationships in this narrative-filled journey.