
Charlie Knoles

Vedic meditation master and teacher. Explains the meditative state of consciousness and its accessibility.

Best podcasts with Charlie Knoles

Ranked by the Snipd community
160 snips
Feb 23, 2023 • 1h 50min

Finding Peace; A Meditation Masterclass

A stellar lineup of guests joins the conversation on meditation and mindfulness. Charlie Knowles discusses the accessibility of meditative states, while Andy Pudkown shares the science behind meditation's benefits. Bob Roth dives deep into Transcendental Meditation and its transformative effects. Dan Harris recounts his personal journey with meditation amid anxiety. Sharon Salzberg emphasizes loving-kindness as a tool for compassion, and Leo Babauta offers tips on integrating meditation into daily life. Jason Garner reveals how to find time for practice in a busy world.
Aug 5, 2013 • 1h 37min

The Ultimate Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition & Tools to Unlock Your Best Self

Back by popular demand! Julie Piatt returns to the podcast to share about our recent trip to New York, our new online course “The Ultimate Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition” that we created in partnership with MindBodyGreen.com and our panel presentation at the Apple Store SoHo — Meet the Innovators: Revolutionizing Health — moderated byJason Wachob, CEO of MindBodyGreen, with yoga impressario Tara Stiles and her husband Michael Taylor of Strala Yoga, and meditation guru Charlie Knoles of the Veda Center.As always, Julie drops pearls of wisdom when it comes to taming the ego; how to remain neutral in moments of tension & anxiety; and how to best tap into your higher self and unlock the best, most authentic YOU – a consistent theme of the show. We cap it off with a free amazing plantpowered dessert recipe (instructions below) and take it out with Inside City, a track on her album Mother of Mine, by SriMati.Hope you enjoy the program!Rich