
Carol Gilligan

Preeminent scholar in the field of patriarchy and its impact on parenting. Professor at New York University, co-author of Why Does Patriarchy Persist?

Top 5 podcasts with Carol Gilligan

Ranked by the Snipd community
59 snips
May 7, 2024 • 47min

A rule to live by | Peter Singer, Daniel Markovits, Carol Gilligan

Peter Singer, Daniel Markovits, and Carol Gilligan discuss reevaluating the Golden Rule, exploring tolerance in democracy, navigating moral laws, nurturing relational capacities for an ethical society, valuing diverse perspectives, and expanding ethical principles to include distant strangers, animals, and future generations.
9 snips
Feb 23, 2020 • 1h 4min

106: Patriarchy is perpetuated through parenting (Part 1)

In this thought-provoking discussion, scholar Carol Gilligan, an expert on patriarchy's impact on parenting, joins listener Brian Stout, who is dedicated to dismantling these systems. They explore how patriarchy represses emotional expression in boys while silencing girls, revealing its detrimental effects on personal identity. The conversation highlights creative ways to raise children outside rigid gender norms and emphasizes the role of open communication in fostering healthy emotional development. Join them in uncovering paths toward dismantling these entrenched societal structures.
Nov 28, 2019 • 43min

Ce que le patriarcat fait à l’amour | In English

Carol Gilligan, psychologue et éthicienne, et Naomi Schneider, chercheuse engagée dans l'étude des relations, plongent dans l'impact du patriarcat sur l'amour. Elles examinent comment les stéréotypes de genre influencent les émotions des garçons et des filles, ainsi que les sacrifices relationnels imposés par des normes patriarcales. La conversation aborde aussi la lutte pour une masculinité authentique et les dynamiques psychologiques sous-jacentes affectant les connexions amoureuses. Enfin, elles recommandent des films qui interrogent ces normes.
Jul 29, 2024 • 54min

Really Hearing Our Own Voices (Carol Gilligan): GROWING UP

Carol Gilligan, a renowned psychologist and author, dives into the societal pressures shaping boys and girls from a young age. She discusses how boys feel compelled to be tough, while girls grapple with the burden of perfection. Gilligan emphasizes the need to recognize the impact of gender roles on emotional health and the importance of amplifying women's voices in psychology. The conversation also touches on the struggles of modern motherhood, societal expectations, and the journey towards authentic self-expression.
Jul 1, 2024 • 1min

Coming Soon: Special Series on Growing Up

Carol Gilligan, a pioneer in gender development, joins host Elise for a special series on growing up. They discuss childhood, social programming, and personal development, focusing on re-parenting and understanding influences from different perspectives.