
Bob Corn-Revere

Chief Counsel at FIRE, offering insights on free speech law and policy. Former chief counsel for FCC Commissioner James Quello.

Top 3 podcasts with Bob Corn-Revere

Ranked by the Snipd community
5 snips
Oct 22, 2024 • 1h 4min

Ep. 227: Should there be categories of unprotected speech?

Join Ronnie London, General Counsel at FIRE, and Bob Corn-Revere, Chief Counsel at FIRE, as they dive into the controversial question of unprotected speech. They discuss categories like obscenity, child pornography, and fighting words, evaluating whether these should remain unprotected. The duo also tackles defamation and its implications in high-profile cases. Their debate offers a nuanced perspective on the balance between free speech rights and societal responsibilities, questioning the very nature of what constitutes harmful speech.
5 snips
Mar 29, 2024 • 1h 23min

Ep. 210: The First Amendment at the Supreme Court

FIRE Chief Counsel Bob Corn-Revere and guests discuss Supreme Court's First Amendment cases including NRA v. Vullo, Murthy v. Missouri, Moody v. NetChoice, and more. They analyze government officials blocking critics on social media, legal analysis of concealed carry insurance policies, viewpoint discrimination in business insurance, government pressure on social media platforms, net choice legislation, and navigating Section 230 and the First Amendment on social media platforms.
Jul 3, 2024 • 1h 39min

Ep. 219: The First Amendment at the Supreme Court

Legal experts Bob Corn-Revere, Ronnie London, and Robert McNamara discuss recent Supreme Court First Amendment cases, including challenges to social media regulation, common carrier arguments, evolving dynamics of online platforms, government influence on speech moderation, and implications of court rulings on constitutional principles.