
Alex Natera

Expert in isometric training and its application in sports performance and rehabilitation.

Top 5 podcasts with Alex Natera

Ranked by the Snipd community
9 snips
Jun 13, 2024 • 25min

Training for Speed - Sportsmith Speed Conference Takeaways

Speed coach Derek Hansen, sports performance expert Les Spellmen, and athletic performance specialist Alex Natera share takeaways from the Sportsmith Speed Conference. Topics include plyometric training strategies, return-to-running post-hamstring strain, optimizing speed training in college football, force plate testing for professional athletes, and force production levels in tissue and tendon remodeling.
7 snips
Nov 14, 2024 • 1h 7min

Implementing isometric training for performance and rehab with Alex Natera, Danny Lum & Matt Taberner

Alex Natera, an expert in isometric training, joins researchers Danny Lum and Matt Taberner for an insightful discussion on the application of isometric exercises in sports performance and rehabilitation. They explore how isometric training enhances muscle stiffness, tendon adaptation, and aids in recovery while preventing injuries. The trio emphasizes customizing isometric programming for individual athlete needs, and integrating it with plyometrics to maximize performance. They also highlight the importance of accurate assessments and innovative tools to optimize training effectiveness.
5 snips
Jul 6, 2023 • 1h 7min

The application of isometric strength training and testing: Views of the experts with Alex Natera, Matt Taberner and Danny Lum

This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast sees Rob speaking to Manager of Sport Sciences at the New South Wales Institute of Sport, Alex Natera, Head of Strength and Conditioning at the Singapore Sport Institute, Danny Lum and now Head of Academy Physical Performance at Manchester City FC, Matt Taberner.  These three guys are true experts in this area, not only from a applied perspective but also an academic one. In the first part of this episode we discuss the process of creating isometric strength training exercises that overload a particular position that is specific to a sport. We then transition into a discussion around quasi-isometrics, what they are and how we can use them from a performance perspective but also a rehabilitation one. We then finish off the first part of this episode discussing the use of isometric testing and training with and without technology. Within this, Matt discusses how he would programme isometrics and keep a track on intensity without the use of force plates. In the second half of the episode we kick off with Danny who takes us through some of his applied work and research, delving into some of the improvements he has seen using isometric strength training. We then tap into Alex's experience of working with youth athletes to discuss the use of isometrics in this population. Matt then gives his opinion on use isometrics with female athletes and how it could be part of the antidote to injury prevention. We then finish off with some discussion around fitting isometric testing into a testing and monitoring system. This episode is one of a kind. Three experts in one area all on a call at the same time. If you're into isometrics, this is for you! Main talking points -  How to create sport specific isometric exercises Using isometrics with youth athletes Isometrics and return to play How to assess isometrics with and without force plates Quasi-isometrics and their part in performance enhancement Isometrics as part of the ACL antidote
Sep 30, 2022 • 1h 35min

Alex Natera on Athletic Assessments, Isometric Training, and Repeat Power Ability

Alex Natera, Manager of Sport Science, discusses athletic development, assessments, and program design. Topics include unilateral vs. bilateral lifting, isometric training, and repeat power ability. Insights on assessments, individualized programming, and power endurance training are shared.
May 7, 2020 • 1h 4min

201: Alex Natera on the Origin of Run-Specific Isometrics and Their Integration in Team Sport Play vs. Training Sprinters | Sponsored by SimpliFaster

Alex Natera, senior athletic performance specialist at the GWS Giants of the AFL, discusses the origin of run-specific isometrics and their integration in team sport play vs. training sprinters. He talks about his approach to training sprinters using isometric exercises, and how he has adapted his system for team sport athletes. Topics include the history of isometric training, the use of functional isometrics, and training approaches for sprinters vs. team sport athletes.