
Adam Miller

Co-author of Seven Visions: Images of Christ in the Doctrine and Covenants, contributing insights on the urgency of seeking God''s voice.

Top 10 podcasts with Adam Miller

Ranked by the Snipd community
69 snips
Jul 31, 2024 • 1h 6min

Alma 39-42 Part 1 • Dr. Adam Miller • August 5-11 • Come Follow Me

Dr. Adam Miller, an expert on the Book of Mormon, shares insights into how the scriptures reshape our understanding of God and redemption. He discusses Alma's teachings on justice and restoration, emphasizing that punishment is ultimately divine love aimed at moral recovery. The conversation explores the interplay of mercy and justice in spiritual growth, viewing life's challenges as lessons for transformation. Miller encourages listeners to embrace repentance as a pathway to deeper connections with the divine and to understand the true intentions behind God’s judgments.
42 snips
Jul 31, 2024 • 45min

Alma 39-42 Part 2 • Dr. Adam Miller • August 5-11 • Come Follow Me

Dr. Adam Miller, an expert on restoration in religious teachings, dives deep into Alma's teachings to Corianton. He discusses how personal desires shape our understanding of salvation and the importance of unconditional love in alleviating feelings of unworthiness. Miller reflects on a poignant farewell in hospice care, exploring themes of justice, mercy, and the afterlife. He emphasizes God's loving nature and the transformative power of the Book of Mormon, urging listeners to enhance their scripture study for greater insight.
27 snips
Feb 10, 2024 • 23min

203. Love is a Law, not a Reward — Adam Miller at Restore

Author and speaker, Adam Miller, retells parables to explore the misconception of earning love. He emphasizes that God's love is constant and not something to be earned. Guilt and shame arise when we try to earn love that is already freely given. The session acts as a meditation to release worries of unworthiness, inviting us to embrace love as a verb instead.
25 snips
Aug 2, 2023 • 57min

Romans 1-6 Part 1 • Dr. Adam Miller • Aug 7 - Aug 13

How does the experience of being a sinner affect the experience of being saved by Jesus? Dr. Adam Miller discusses why faith is crucial to our experience of redemption.00:00 Part 1–Dr. Adam Miller01:50 Introduction of Dr. Adam Miller03:22 Background to the Letter to the Romans04:23 Dr. Miller’s training as it relates to the New Testament07:26 How to approach this book09:05 Dating the book and additional study helps12:57 The Sermon on the Mount aids in studying this letter13:32 First Key is God doesn’t hate his enemies14:42 Love is a law, not a reward16:25 Earning Heaven or the opportunity of Heaven18:13 What does Paul mean by grace?21:29 Our motivations23:07 The Law is Love24:13 Romans 1:18-2027:40 Romans 1:2530:09 Creator and Created/Creature33:09 Misunderstanding love and trials34:56 Romans 1:3136:30 Prayer softens 37:13 Romans 540:56 Christ died for the ungodly43:05 Commandment to love perfectly not be perfectly loveable47:56 Fruit of salvation50:22  Romans 3 Falling short of the glory of God53:11 Giving Himself as a mercy seat54:40 Justification and reconciliation57:25 End of Part 1–Dr. Adam MillerPlease rate and review the podcast!Show Notes (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese): https://followhim.coYouTube: https://youtu.be/ENOI-USIf50Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/followhimpodcastInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/followhimpodcastSpotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/15G9TTz8yLp0dQyEcBQ8BYThanks to the follow HIM team:Shannon Sorensen: Cofounder, Executive Producer, SponsorDavid & Verla Sorensen: SponsorsDr. Hank Smith: Co-hostJohn Bytheway: Co-hostDavid Perry: ProducerKyle Nelson: Marketing, SponsorLisa Spice: Client Relations, Editor, Show NotesJamie Neilson: Social Media, Graphic DesignAnnabelle Sorensen: Creative Project ManagerWill Stoughton: Video EditorKrystal Roberts: Translation Team, English & French Transcripts, WebsiteAriel Cuadra: Spanish Transcripts"Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise" by Marshall McDonaldhttps://www.marshallmcdonaldmusic.com
9 snips
Apr 16, 2022 • 59min

111. An Early Resurrection — A Conversation with Adam Miller

As Christians, we look forward to resurrection after death into a state of wholeness and joy. But understanding resurrection as occurring only in the next life can prevent us from experiencing the fullness of life that Christ offers us here and now. What if we looked at resurrection as a process that can begin now as we allow Christ to live in and through us?This week, we invited our friend Adam Miller to talk about his book An Early Resurrection: Life in Christ Before You Die.  In this inspiring, profound little book, Adam shows us how, in a very real sense, Christ can start this process of rebirth now, in ways that can radically change how we experience even the most ordinary and mundane things in life.Adam Miller is a professor of philosophy at Collin College near Dallas, Texas. He also wrote the remarkable book Letters to a Young Mormon.As we celebrate Easter, we hope these ideas about resurrection can give you new perspective on the words of the Savior: “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
8 snips
Aug 2, 2023 • 56min

Romans 1-6 Part 2 • Dr. Adam Miller • Aug 7 - Aug 13

Dr. Adam Miller continues to discuss grace, merit, and the law as they relate to the gospel of Jesus Christ.00:00 Part II–Dr. Adam Miller00:07 Justification and Sanctification1:06 Looking through a telescope backwards03:59 Love is sacrifice05:46 Echoes of Sermon on the Mount in Romans 307:16 The Law of Faith and the Law of Works11:19 We don’t earn God’s love13:30 Loving like God loves17:49 Joining God in his work of love19:21 Romans 2:121:36 Echoes of Matthew 722:56 Righteous judgment24:18 Faith, Law, and a tradition-framing view of baptism28:08 Surrendering self-regard29:53 Scriptural descriptions of baptism32:17 Dying and being born again35:24 Discussions on grace and perfection39:29 The Law of Moses and salvation42:09 Examining our motivations regarding love44:30 Believing Christ and Stephen E. Robinson48:30 Reflections on giving up the Law of Works50:43 Works, the temple, and salvation51:48 Dr. Miller’s final takeaways about Romans55:25 End of Part II–Dr. Adam MillerPlease rate and review the podcast!Show Notes (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese): https://followhim.coYouTube: https://youtu.be/R1eqqsj-iekFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/followhimpodcastInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/followhimpodcastSpotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/15G9TTz8yLp0dQyEcBQ8BYThanks to the follow HIM team:Shannon Sorensen: Cofounder, Executive Producer, SponsorDavid & Verla Sorensen: SponsorsDr. Hank Smith: Co-hostJohn Bytheway: Co-hostDavid Perry: ProducerKyle Nelson: Marketing, SponsorLisa Spice: Client Relations, Editor, Show NotesJamie Neilson: Social Media, Graphic DesignAnnabelle Sorensen: Creative Project ManagerWill Stoughton: Video EditorKrystal Roberts: Translation Team, English & French Transcripts, WebsiteAriel Cuadra: Spanish Transcripts"Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise" by Marshall McDonaldhttps://www.marshallmcdonaldmusic.com
7 snips
Jan 6, 2024 • 1h 10min

198. Seven Gospels — A Conversation with Adam Miller and Rosalynde Welch

Adam Miller and Rosalynde Welch discuss their new book, 'Seven Gospels: The Many Lives of Christ in the Book of Mormon.' They explore the different witnesses of Christ in the Book of Mormon and how they reflect our personal questions and circumstances. They emphasize the importance of close reading scripture and how it can teach us unexpected things. The podcast also delves into topics such as belief versus faith, Mary's perspective and the condescension of God, the role of prophets, confession and withholding the sacrament, and the uniqueness of Christ's teachings in the Book of Mormon.
5 snips
Oct 24, 2023 • 1h 3min

Love, Loss, and Living Life on Life's Terms: A Conversation with Dr. Adam Miller

Dr. Adam Miller, a professor of philosophy, joins Dr. Finlayson-Fife for a thought-provoking conversation on love, loss, and living life on life's terms. They discuss topics such as love as an action, the connection between courage and love, the intersection of love, intimacy, and spirituality, the unmasking power of sex, and the challenges of self-love and understanding.
Jun 13, 2024 • 33min

Don’t stop learning: How Cornerstone kept scaling, w/Adam Miller

Entrepreneur Adam Miller shares how he founded Cornerstone and scaled it to over $5.2 billion. He discusses facing tough times, encountering a loan shark, navigating financial crises, making strategic decisions, hiring during crises, and perseverance in scaling a business.
Jan 6, 2025 • 36min

Seeing God in Our Lives with Rosalynde Welch and Adam Miller

Rosalynde Welch, author of *Seven Visions: Images of Christ in the Doctrine and Covenants*, and Adam Miller, co-author of the same work, dive into the urgency of hearing God's voice. They discuss recognizing Christ's presence in our everyday lives and how this understanding shapes our connection with the divine. The duo emphasizes collaborative exploration of scripture for deeper insights and practical approaches to cultivating a Christ-centered worldview. Their insights promise to enrich listeners’ spiritual journeys.