I hear every day about people's struggles with food restrictions, elimination diets, fear of eating certain foods, and frustrations that although they have restricted themselves down to almost nothing, their symptoms persist. I am here today to shed my own light on the topic. I am not a nutritionist. I am a chronic pain psychotherapist who has seen thousands of people go from terrified of food, to eating everything they want after doing this work. I don't claim to be the only solution, but perhaps I can offer a solution that can work... for you. Join us and see. Sending big love! xo, n.
My Chicago Workshop retreat with Dr. John Stracks is coming up this month - Feb 22-23rd in Chicago. Come spend the weekend with us and let it change your life. XO
Don't forget that our sponsor for this podcast, The Curable App, is offering my listeners 50% off their yearly membership when you visit: www.getcurable.com/nicole. Don't delay, as this amazing deal won't last forever! XOOX
Join me on April 5-10, 2020 at 1440 Multiversity in Santa Cruz, CA. Click here to join me for this amazing experience on their stunning campus. This 5 day retreat will be the Omega of the West Coast!