Have your worked for a product company where the beginning was amazing - everyone were aligned towards the same goal, the product that the team built was an exact fit for the problems that it’s users had, and everything just came out nicely - but then, as the company grew, things didn’t fit as well, new features were not adopted, and overall, the feeling is that you lost the awesome momentum you had?This is what Dave Martin calls the Product Momentum Gap.
In this episode, Matt and Moshe are hosting Dave, Outcome Leadership Coach at Right to Left, veteran product leader and fractional CPO, who co-authored the book “The Product Momentum Gap: Bringing together product strategy and customer value” with our past guest Andrea Saez (episode 22), to talk about this problem, and a framework he developed to overcome it.
There are many reasons why companies fall into the Product Momentum Gap. It can be due to confirmation biases, collective bias (following the loudest person in the room), product strategy that doesn’t commit to a specific solution, amongst other reasons.Identifying the problem is the first step in moving forward to fix it. Then, using the Product VCP (Value Creation Plan) framework, developed by Dave, companies can align their strategy to an actionable plan that will eventually change users’ behavior.
Join us on the episode to learn:
How did Dave started his career in product leadership
The product craft vs product leadership
What is the Product Momentum Gap
More problems that cause companies to fall into the Product Momentum Gap
The Product VCP framework - how to execute the strategy
How the Product VCP was created over time and with over 50 companies
How to handle situations where companies don’t want to take the time to stop and go through the process of defining the Product VCP
The importance of discovery throughout the process