As humans, we often draw conclusions based on observations. However, these observations can frequently lead us down the wrong path.
Take, for instance, the assumption that wisdom or enlightenment demands an austere or stoic life. This belief stems from centuries of observing monastics and ascetics, who have traditionally been custodians of wisdom.
This can lead people to think either, a) that they must lead an austere life to become enlightened, or b) that enlightenment is out of reach for them because they can’t imagine themselves leading an austere life.
Thom sets the record straight in this episode, exploring the history of the custodians of Vedic wisdom, and the origin story that led to this misunderstanding, at least with respect to Vedic knowledge.
It will come as a relief to many and put enlightenment back within reach of those who might think it’s beyond their scope in this lifetime.
Thom also shares the technique that we can all use to accelerate the process.
Episode Highlights:
[00:45] False Assumptions about Enlightenment and Monastic Living
[02:46] Living a Tasteful Life in Enlightenment
[04:51] Origin of the Misconception
[06:36] Shukadeva's Vision
[08:45] Geography's Role in India's Civilization
[10:40] Shukadeva's Foresight
[12:41] Emergence of Monastic Orders
[14:50] Colonization and the Monastic Tradition
[16:38] Buddha's Pursuit of Enlightenment
[18:29] Transitioning from Monastic to Householder Enlightenment
[20:32] Maharishi's 200 Percent Joys of Life
[21:58] We Cannot Gain Enlightenment by Suffering More
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