It’s hard to imagine TBM without the illustrious Amanda Blair, our first TBM coach and relationship extraordinaire. Though Amanda has flown from the nest, she is back on the pod to give us another dose of wisdom. Because change and growth are never ending pursuits! And funny enough, that’s what this episode is about. Her lesson for us today is about learning to tune into those intuitive whispers that are asking you to grow, with actionable advice on how to take inventory of your life to ensure that you’re still in alignment. Jess and Amanda cover the ever-shifting goalpost of growth, impostor syndrome, personal glass ceilings, the energetics of moving out of an old manifestation, and they even give tangible resources for jumping off these cliffs. Are you ready to turn inward and ask yourself the important questions? How are you being asked to grow right now? Is that old manifestation still really aligned for you? No one gets to the heart of it all like Amanda does. We love you, Amanda!