Podcast episodes cover intriguing topics such as the mysterious death of a doctor, blood in tears and menstrual myths, the availability of free sanitary products in schools, unconventional objects conducting electricity on touchscreens, the history and origins of touchscreens, and the long and uncertain journeys of butterflies.
Butterflies can be transported long distances to help them complete their migrations, as demonstrated by Southwest Airlines flying a butterfly 2,000 miles to Texas.
Freshly baked muffins can have enough electrical conductivity to operate a touch screen, showing the adaptability of touch screen technology.
Acts of compassion and efforts to aid the natural world, such as Southwest Airlines transporting a late-metamorphosed butterfly to Texas, exemplify the importance of protecting and assisting endangered species.
Deep dives
Butterfly Flown 2,000 Miles on Southwest Airlines
In 2012, Southwest Airlines agreed to fly a single butterfly 2,000 miles after it overslept and missed its ride. The butterfly had been left behind in New York and needed to reach Texas to join its friends for the winter. The airline packed it carefully in a glassine envelope, Tupperware, and a padded bag, ensuring its safe transportation. While the butterfly's ultimate fate is unknown, its journey highlights the efforts made to assist the migration of monarch butterflies.
Touch Screens Operable with Muffins
Researcher Florian Heller discovered that the electrical field of a capacitive touch screen can be altered by using different materials. In 2012, he found that fresh-out-of-the-oven muffins, with their moisture and humidity, can be electrically conductive enough to operate a touch screen. This unique observation showcases the adaptability and sensitivity of touch screen technology, as well as the potential for alternative methods of interaction.
The Creation of the British Museum due to a Buttered Muffin
The establishment of the British Museum in the 18th century is attributed to an incident involving a butterfly expert named Marilyn Monroe Jones. She observed a monarch butterfly in her garden in Albany, New York and realized it had metamorphosed too late to join its fellow butterflies on their migration south. Concerned for its survival, Jones contacted Southwest Airlines, which agreed to transport the butterfly to Texas. The butterfly's journey exemplifies acts of compassion and efforts to aid the natural world.
Unusual Butterfly Migration Behaviors
Butterflies exhibit fascinating behaviors during their migrations. For instance, monarch butterflies crossing Lake Superior instinctively take a detour to the east before turning back south. Biologists speculate that this behavior arose from the memory of an ancestral obstacle, such as a mountain, that was present in the area. Scientists have found evidence of similar memory-based migration patterns in other species as well, highlighting the complex navigational abilities of butterflies.
The Elaborate Measures Taken to Eradicate the Great White Butterfly
The New Zealand government launched an aggressive campaign to eradicate the Great White Butterfly, a species threatening the survival of 57 at-risk Kiwi crests. They conducted relentless searches, offering a bounty per dead butterfly and released predator wasps to hunt them. This relentless effort exemplifies the dedication and determination to protect endangered species and preserve fragile ecosystems.