“If you don’t have a healthy elder board in a church, you might as well not have an elder board.”
Meet Darryl, Justin, and Jonathan, three of the four Flatirons Elders. In a special group interview, today’s episode gives insight into what honesty and integrity look like when played out on a healthy board. Find out why a healthy team does not mean “smooth sailing.”
Welcome to Episode 096 of the Leaders in Living Rooms Podcast with Sean Morgan.
If you’re a leader approaching a succession or transition. Or maybe you’re a few years in and beginning to see how complex transitions leadership is… go to The Art of Pastoral Succession and check out my brand new course in partnership with Carey Nieuwhof.
Are you in Transition or have one on the horizon? Check out our 2023 cohorts and get connected with us at: https://theascentleader.org/cohorts/
Darryl Kelly
Darryl is here to help. Not in the weird swoop-in-from-nowhere kind of way, but in the I’ve-always-been-here kind of way. He volunteers with high school students - encouraging their leadership and challenging their way of thinking. He uses his creative gifts to capture an engaging video shot during service. He’s present with his church and the people who also call it home. He sits in several other seats - the c-suite at work, board seats for several companies, but most importantly at home with his wife, Lauren, and kids, Olivia and Noah. They are the best part of any day and he fully enjoys watching and playing with them as they ebb and flow together.
Justin Searle
Justin Searle leads the Local Government division at Wellpath. He is responsible for the administrative and operational elements of all local government teams and contracts in the United States. A former Naval officer, Justin transitioned to the private sector, has been in various healthcare environments since 2010, and joined Wellpath in 2019, moved by the mission to bring hope and healing to underserved populations. Justin received his Bachelor of Science degree from the United States Naval Academy and his Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Chicago. In terms of ministry, Justin began following Jesus at a young age which had some peaks, valleys, and everything in between. Faith truly deepened through his attendance at Flatirons where he took on more leadership roles, resulting most recently in his appointment to the Elder Board in early 2023.
Jonathan Aal
Jonathan Aal is a portfolio manager and leader of the investment research team at Smith Capital Investors, a Colorado based global fixed income asset manager. Prior to working in finance, Jonathan served in the United States Military. He is passionate for his family, outdoor adventure, and seeing men flourish as sons, fathers, husbands, and leaders.
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