The Duck Team meets an unlikely ally and embarks on a strange mission. They interact with 'Toy box' and uncover its magical properties, while exploring the underwater and discovering a mysterious whale. They infiltrate the whale and encounter a leader with mysterious powers. Toybox reveals a dangerous threat and Gromdahl undergoes a terrifying transformation. The hosts discuss upcoming live shows and merchandise, while giving a playful shoutout to supporters.
The team infiltrates the whalefall to weaken the Inkling Syndicate and prevent Gromdol from gaining more power.
Thero Krakarn is attempting to control the whale and divide the Octomagi.
The team prepares to attack Thero Krakarn's inner circle to weaken the syndicate and prevent Gromdol from gaining more power.
Calder's explosive action enhances the attack, dealing significant damage to the enemies and causing Gromdahl to undergo a transformation.
Deep dives
Infiltrating the Whalefall
The team, now embodied as clockwork puppets, sneaks into the whalefall, a massive whale carcass on the ocean floor. They discover guards, an army of suspicious fish, and Gromdol Bronzebeard. Their objective is to prevent Gromdol from gaining more power and to weaken the Inkling Syndicate from the inside.
Meeting Thero Krakarn
Inside the whalefall, the team overhears Thero Krakarn and Gromdol Bronzebeard discussing their plans. They determine that Thero is attempting to control the whale and divide the Octomagi. Calder volunteers to detonate himself, while Calli and Saul prepare for battle.
Stealthy Approach
The team sneaks past guards and enters the whale's mouth. They witness the control that Thero has over the whale and spot Gromdol, preparing to confront him.
Initiating the Attack
The team prepares to attack Thero Krakarn's inner circle, with Calder acting as a distraction and Calli and Saul launching attacks. They hope to weaken the syndicate and prevent Gromdol from gaining more power.
Pursuing the Plan
The team executes their attack plan, staying hidden and attempting to defeat Thero Krakarn's inner circle. Their main objective is to prevent Gromdol from gaining more power and to weaken the Inkling Syndicate.
Powerful attack using the powder keg
Calder charges up and throws the powder keg, causing a massive explosion that destroys several syndicate members. The power of the explosion is enhanced by Calder's action, dealing significant damage to the enemies.
Gromdahl's betrayal and acquisition of power
Gromdahl, the rat-themed character, kills Thero and takes control of his followers. He drinks a mysterious vial and undergoes a transformation, becoming more powerful. Gromdahl announces his intention to claim the last remaining serpents and seeks revenge against the protagonists.
Duck Team meets an unlikely ally and embarks on a strange mission! Callie gets swole, Sol gets sneaky, and Calder becomes a tiny king. Support us at to get access to the after-show and a bunch of other Naddpod content! Get tickets to our upcoming live shows at