Elizabeth Endres, Wellness influencer and TMS warrior herself, and I sat down for an interview this week, and I loved it so much I decided to post it to our platform as well! Enjoy this conversation which hits all the hight points of my story, Elizabeth's experience with my work, and her excellent questions which get to the root of what TMS is all about. If you are new to this work (or are just looking for community with which to connect as you're doing it) our LIVE and in person Omega Retreat is only a few weeks away! Click here to join us June 23-28th for a transformative experience for body, mind, and spirit. XO! n.
Sign up for my Membership Community on my Website (3 hour ZOOM with me once a month and separate monthly Q&A Hang with me alongside private online community where I answer your personal questions):
If you are interested in supporting the many free resources I offer to get this message to the global community, please consider donating to my cause on my website, www.thecureforchronicpain.com. Look for the DONATE button on the home page. Thank you so much!