Thou shalt remember, that success is the sum of small life hacks One of the scariest things about adulthood, is growing up and realising that life doesn't come with an instruction manual. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but at the same time it's also quite comforting to know that no one actually knows what they're doing. Like literally no one. We're all here just doing the best we can trying to excel in our careers, maintain a social life, drink enough water, text everybody back, exercise, stay sane, survive and be happy. Be born they said. It'll be fun they said. But finally, after years of juggling very unsuccessfully, I've finally discovered that the secret to having it all, is hacking it all... Just a forewarning, when you work full time and have two demanding side gigs, sometimes you have no other choice but to set up a makeshift studio on your lunch break in a commercial kitchen that has terrible acoustics. Stay with me though, it's worth it I promise!