When going on placement, you are probably more interested in gaining experience in the clinical environment and less interested in how frequently doctors can take breaks.
Doctors’ working conditions may seem irrelevant as a medical student but they are closely associated with work satisfaction and wellbeing. In this episode, the Sharp Scratch panel discussed doctors’ working conditions and how it impacts our day-to-day work.
Expert guest:
Dr Kevin Teoh (@kevinteohrh on Twitter) is a Chartered Psychologist and the Executive Officer for the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology.
Thank you to Dr Saliha Mahmood Ahmed (@salihacooks on Twitter) and Neely Mozawala (@NeelyMozawala on Twitter) who contributed to this episode.
*We’re looking for new panel members!*
Are you a:
✅ Medical student
✅ Listener of Sharp Scratch
✅ Keen on representing the voice of medical students?
In the past, the panel only consisted of medical students studying in the UK. However, remote recording means that we can extend this opportunity to medical students in other countries. If you’re interested, please apply via the link below. We look forward to hearing from you!
Apply here: https://forms.gle/QocryfkG137cWTb88
Check us out on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BMJStudent
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bmj_student/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BMJStudent/
This podcast is produced and edited by Dom Byrne and Duncan Jarvies.