America is adrift due to polarization, inequality, greed, corruption, bad behavior. And one of the key solutions to this is to strengthen the middle class
That’s what Scott Galloway argues in his new book, “Adrift: America in 100 Charts,” already on the New York Times Bestseller list. Scott Galloway is a Professor of Marketing at NYU’s Stern School of Business and co-host of the Pivot podcast and host of the Prof G pod.
In this interview Galloway explains why he believes building up the middle class will revitalize America and he proposes solutions to get us there.. He also takes on big tech, our culture’s “idolatry of innovators” and offers his take on the future of Twitter and social media.
Adrift: America in 100 Charts, is on sale now.
Scott Galloway
www.profgalloway.comYou can follow Jessica Yellin here:
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Jessica Yellin is the founder of News Not Noise, a channel dedicated to giving you news with real experts and providing facts, not panic attacks.
Jessica is a veteran of network news, traveling the globe, covering conflict and crisis. A former Chief White House Correspondent for CNN, she reported from around the world and won awards.
Now, Yellin uses her voice to break down the news, calmly and clearly for you -- free of punditry, provocation, and yelling.