Mushtaq Bilal is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Southern Denmark. He earned his PhD in comparative literature from Binghamton University. He works on simplifying the process of academic writing and writes about ethical use of artificial intelligence for academic purposes.
Host: Raeesa Kabir
Audio Producer: Melanie Bussan
Video Editor + Art: Saurin Kantesaria
Instagram: saorange314
Social Media: Nikhil Kapur
Music: Caligula - Windows96. Used with Artist's Permission.
Introduction and Mushtaq’s path: 0:00 seconds
Overview on using AI tools for efficient writing: 8:00 seconds
Keeping up to date with all the new apps: 18:00 seconds
Leveling the playing field of academia: 23:15 seconds
Ethical considerations of AI powered writing tool: 40:30 seconds
Mushtaq’s tutorial for simplifying the academic writing process: 53:20 seconds
Fun ending question and ending: 57:30