1 - Introduction To The Study Of The Eucharist | Fr. Thomas Joseph White, OP
Apr 21, 2024
Fr. Thomas Joseph White discusses the Eucharist in Scholastic theology, sacraments, salvation, and the role of grace. He explores Aquinas' views on grace, salvation, and Eucharist, Old Testament ties to Eucharist, and the symbolic meanings of bread, wine, and the Paschal lamb in the Eucharist. The importance of adhering to the elements of bread and wine for sacramental validity and grace is highlighted.
The Eucharist embodies the Church's unity in charity through the grace of charity it imparts.
Aquinas emphasizes the essentiality of proper matter, bread and wine, in the Eucharistic sacrament, symbolizing sacrifice and ecclesial unity.
Deep dives
The Relationship Between the Three Bodies in Medieval Theological Debates
Augustinian theologians debated the relationship between the bodies on the altar in the mass and the body of Christ as the Church. Aquinas discussed the Eucharistic body of the Lord as the true body of Christ and the body of the church as the mystical body. The Eucharist is viewed as the instrumental source of the grace of charity that binds the Church together, effectuating the Church's unity in charity.
The Threefold Division of Medieval Sacraments
Aquinas uses the threefold division of sacraments - sacramentum tantum, res et sacramentum, and res tantum. Each sacrament has a sacramentum tantum (signs themselves), res et sacramentum (reality present in the sign), and res tantum (reality itself). Baptism symbolizes the character imprinted on the soul, while confirmation imparts the character of confirmation. The effectiveness of the sacraments lies in their ability to effectuate what they symbolize.
The Necessity of the Eucharist for Salvation
Aquinas delves into whether the Eucharist is necessary for salvation, reflecting on various scenarios like babies baptized but not receiving the Eucharist. He discusses the significance of desire for baptism and the sacrament's relation to the mystical body of the Church. The Eucharist is seen as a pathway for salvation, incorporating individuals into the mystical body of Christ and effectuating presence in the Church.
Proper Matter of the Eucharist: Bread and Wine
Aquinas clarifies the proper matter of the Eucharist as bread and wine, dismissing erroneous practices like offering bread and cheese, using infant blood, or solely offering water. He emphasizes the symbolic and effectual importance of bread and wine, highlighting their universal significance, nourishment symbolism for the soul, and their role in symbolizing sacrifice and ecclesial unity in the Church.