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Lenny's Podcast: Product | Growth | Career

Redefining success, money, and belonging | Paul Millerd (The Pathless Path)

Nov 19, 2023
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Paul Millerd, author and host of The Pathless Path Podcast, shares insights on redefining success, finding fulfillment, and taking unconventional career paths. He discusses the default path, signs of being stuck, and how to embrace the pathless path. He advocates for three-month sabbaticals and offers tips on overcoming fear. The podcast explores creating space in life, financial support options, and the importance of reframing. It also tackles the challenges of unenjoyable jobs, constant reinvention, and pursuing unconventional paths in career and life.
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Quick takeaways

  • The pathless path encourages individuals to question societal expectations and explore their own desires and priorities.
  • Creating space for self-reflection and exploration, such as through a sabbatical, is crucial for embarking on the pathless path.

Deep dives

Exploring the Default Path and Shifting Away

The default path is the dominant narrative about what one should do in life and work. It usually involves following societal expectations, such as getting a good job, making money, buying a house, and starting a family. However, many people feel unfulfilled and seek an alternative path. The pathless path offers a shift away from the default path, embracing discomfort and uncertainty. It encourages individuals to explore their own desires and priorities, questioning the scripts they have been following. This path allows for greater self-awareness and the discovery of activities that truly bring joy and aliveness.

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