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My First Million

$100M Founder Reveals The Secret To Making Data Profitable

Jun 11, 2024
Snipd AI
Anand Sanwal, founder of a profitable data business, shares his strategies for data arbitrage and discusses quirky business ideas like high-end Glassdoor and autonomous HOA convenience stores. He also touches on the importance of competency-based learning, leadership lessons from coaches, and innovative ventures like online addiction centers.
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Quick takeaways

  • Build a profitable data business by focusing on edge, collection, and opportunity.
  • Teaching entrepreneurship emphasizes critical thinking skills and practical application over traditional subjects.

Deep dives

Challenges in Traditional Schooling System

Traditional schools often focus on compliance and conformity, molding students to be efficient at tasks and follow routines. This approach stems from historical goals of creating compliant factory workers. Schools emphasize rote learning and standardized tests. The idea of the School of Entrepreneurship challenges this norm, focusing on building critical thinking skills and hands-on experience over traditional subject-based learning.

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