How can you establish such a profound connection with an individual that they are compelled to betray their own country and turn to espionage? What techniques are involved in this process, and what insights can you learn from it? How can you employ some of these techniques in your life? To help us answer these questions and lots more we have the great pleasure of having James Mad Dog Lawler as a guest! He is a fantastic storyteller and we hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did! James "Jim" Lawler has made significant contributions in the field of national security and intelligence. He served for 25 years as an operations officer in the CIA, where he specialized in weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and counterintelligence issues. One of his notable achievements during his tenure at the CIA was his involvement in the operation that led to the dismantling of A.Q. Khan's nuclear proliferation network. After retiring from the CIA, Lawler transitioned into a role as a national security consultant. He is the senior partner at MDO Group, which provides human intelligence (HUMINT) training to the intelligence community and the commercial sector, focusing on WMD, counterintelligence, technical, and cyber issues. He is recognized for his expertise on insider threats in both government and industry. Lawler is also an accomplished author, having written espionage novels such as "Living Lies," which is centered around the Iranian nuclear weapons program, and "In the Twinkling of an Eye," a story about recruiting a spy within a covert Russian-North Korean genetic bioweapons program. He is currently working on his third espionage novel, "The Traitor’s Tale," which delves into treachery and treason within the CIA. In addition to his intelligence career and writing, Lawler has engaged in public speaking and consultancy roles, sharing his knowledge and experience in areas such as insider threats, human espionage, and counterintelligence issues. He has worked with various organizations, including Honeywell Corporation,, Deloitte, Booz Allen Hamilton, and LinkedIn, and has been featured in SPYSCAPE's podcast, "True Spies" Links to the books:
Living Lies: A Novel of the Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program In the Twinkling of an Eye: A Novel of Biological Terror and Espionage