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Decoder with Nilay Patel

Chris Dixon thinks web3 is the future of the internet. Is it?

Apr 12, 2022

Podcast summary created with Snipd AI

Quick takeaways

  • Web 3 combines the open protocols of Web 1 with the advanced functionality of Web 2 to create more interactive and user-driven experiences while maintaining the predictability and neutrality of the web.
  • Blockchain networks in Web 3 are transitioning from energy-wasting proof of work (PoW) to more sustainable proof of stake (PoS), reducing environmental impact and addressing energy consumption concerns.

Deep dives

Web 3 Definition and its Benefits

Web 3 combines the open protocols of Web 1 with the advanced functionality of Web 2. It allows for more interactive and user-driven experiences, while maintaining the predictability and neutrality of the web. The use of blockchain technology in Web 3 enables direct ownership and monetization for creators, bypassing the centralized control of traditional platforms. This creates opportunities for communities to have their own cultural artifacts, build economies, and showcase early adoption and status.

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