This episode is part two of our two-part mini-series on Psychological Safety in Personal Relationships. Tim and Junior will pick it up right where they left off and start by discussing contributor safety as it relates to our personal lives. They will continue with practical examples, and you’ll even get introduced to the LIVE model, an acronym to help you recognize and reward vulnerability around you. If you missed last week’s episode, you may consider starting there, because this conversation begins right where that one ends.
(0:01:00) Contributor safety–How do we improve? Junior starts the episode with a question: Do you grant others maximum autonomy to contribute in their own way as they demonstrate their ability to deliver results? The level of autonomy that people have should be appropriate to their role and to their performance.
(0:16:27) Challenger safety–How do we improve? Challenger safety is the culminating stage of The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety. Junior asks the question: Do you consistently invite others to challenge the status quo in order to make things better?
(0:27:20) Your two choices: Change your behavior or change your belief about the behavior. Which is easier? Definitely the latter. But which has a profound impact on the cultures you participate in? Absolutely the former.
(0:33:02) The L.I.V.E. Model. Do you look for, identify, validate, and encourage acts of vulnerability in your everyday life? Tim and Junior explain that this is the mechanism for creating healthy, deep, and resilient relationships.
(0:39:19) Trust and psychological safety. You can’t trust someone who’s unpredictable, and you can’t trust someone’s reaction if it’s not predictable. The same is true for rewarding vulnerability. If you’re not 1000 percent sure that you’ll be met with warmth, you won’t engage in vulnerable ways.
Important Links
The L.I.V.E Model