The centrality of gut health in total body health and aging means it’s a key topic for us to keep revisiting and updating our knowledge on. For instance, how confident do you feel about interpreting analytical indices such as phyla distribution, dysbiosis index, diversity score, as well as the myriad bacterial populations that can be resident in the GI tract? Join me and Dr. Julia Malkowski as we dive into advanced stool testing and how the insights gleaned from the GI360 test can tell us a lot about our patients’ health and lifestyle (ever wondered how the carnivore diet, long-term use of GLP-1 agonists, or chronic stress impact the gut?).
We also explore keystone bacterial species and their impact on systemic health, what is better than fiber for increasing microbiome diversity, different testing methods including the impressive MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry Technology and a ton of clinical pearls on tackling those report findings in clinical practice. There is something for everyone in this excellent conversation with Dr. Julia Malkowski, from the newly-minted to the seasoned functional medicine practitioner, and health-savvy consumers too. Tune in, grab your GI360 Sample Report and get ready to take notes! ~DrKF
Check out the show notes at for the full list of links and resources.
Julia Malkowski, ND, DC, BSc
Dr. Malkowski began her career in Functional Medicine upon seeing excellent results restoring the health of her infant son. She went on to complete her bachelor's degree in biomedical science, Doctorate in Chiropractic and Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, while raising her healthy family. She remains committed to optimal health on a personal and professional level as Staff Doctor of Clinical Education at Doctor’s Data, Inc., and maintains her own private functional medicine practice Docere Health outside Chicago, IL.
Doctor’s Data, Inc.
New Frontiers Listeners, Download the GI360 Sample Report and follow along with the podcast to uncover clinical pearls that can transform your patient care.
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