The Illusion of Conflict: A Catholic Understanding of Faith, Reason & Science | Fr. Dominic Legge
Sep 28, 2016
Fr. Dominic Legge, a Catholic priest, discusses the misconception of conflict between faith and science, emphasizing Aquinas' contributions in reconciling them. Topics include the relationships between faith and science, the impact of the church on early universities, determinism vs. human freedom, and human nature's spiritual facets.
The Catholic Church historically promoted scientific inquiry, contrary to misconceptions.
God transcends the universe as its ultimate source, distinct from creation.
God as primary cause grants autonomy to secondary causes, allowing for scientific exploration.
Deep dives
The Historical Context of Science and Faith
The podcast delves into the historical relationship between science and faith, addressing misconceptions about the church's stance on scientific inquiry. It highlights how monasteries in the past were hubs for experimental inquiry and technological advancements, contradicting the notion that the church has always been opposed to scientific progress.
God's Transcendent Primacy and Relationship to the Universe
The discussion focuses on the concept of God's transcendent primacy, emphasizing that God is not merely a part of the universe but its ultimate source. This implies a fundamental distinction between God and the world, where God is the primary cause sustaining the universe's being.
Distinguishing Between Primary and Secondary Causes
The distinction between primary and secondary causes is explored, highlighting that while creatures operate as secondary causes interacting within the world, God acts as the primary cause determining the nature of these interactions. This distinction underscores the autonomy granted to secondary causes by God.
God's Providence and Order in the Universe
The principle of God's providence is discussed, elucidating how the universe is characterized by order that reflects God's plan. This divine order provides a framework for scientific exploration, underscoring the compatibility between scientific inquiry and the belief in God's guidance.
Human Freedom and Contingency in Causality
The podcast delves into the nuanced understanding of human freedom and contingent causality, distinguishing between instinctive actions and the higher level of human decision-making. It acknowledges how statistical modeling may predict aggregate human behavior but does not negate the distinctness of individual choice and the spiritual faculty of free will.