Hello loves, and happy holiday season of insanity! I hope you are hanging in there amidst all the chaos. I am doing my best - at times hanging on by the coattails of the ride - but doing a pretty good job of being present. I wish the same for you. In the meantime, I am hard at work on finishing my manuscript and editing chapters of my new book. This piece, The MindScience of JournalSpeak, struck me as something that everyone could use as they do their best to practice living within the mindset of this work. It serves as a reminder of the science behind it all in simple language you can use to talk to yourself. Today, I bring it to the podcast so all can hear! Remember if you need more personal attention, I have a Membership Community where we are doing this together every day. It's my greatest joy watching you transform. If you want to join us, go to www.thecureforchronicpain.com and scroll down a touch - you'll see the button to join. Much love to all! XOXO n.
Sign up for my Membership Community on my Website (3 hour ZOOM with me once a month and separate monthly Q&A Hang with me alongside private online community where I answer your personal questions):
If you are interested in supporting the many free resources I offer to get this message to the global community, please consider donating to my cause on my website, www.thecureforchronicpain.com. Look for the DONATE button on the home page. Thank you so much!