A quarter of 2015 has already past.
I’m wondering if this year you did any New Year's Resolutions that implied a big change in your life.
The reality is that for most people, even if they honestly intended to change some important aspect of their lives – from exercising more, losing weight, and so forth – probably, by now, they have gone back to their old habits.
If what you want to change is really important to you, please don’t give up or wait until next year to try again.
Start to understand:
Why It's So Difficult To Change
Maybe understanding how the change process works, can help you to achieve your goals.
If you think:
"I don’t have enough will power."
"I’m never going to be able to do it."
"I tried it before and it didn’t work."
And any other excuses that your internal saboteur creates...
(Yes, you are not alone, everybody has a personal critical voice that tries to undermine their self-esteem, but that is a theme for another podcast.)
Keep reading and see what we can learn from how psychologists explain the change process.
First - it’s important to notice that psychology sees change as a process, not as an isolated event.
Second - the change process is complex enough to have many models to explain it.
Lets focus on a particular model of change as an example.
Model of Change
This Model of Change was developed by a team of psychologists in the 1990s (Prochaska, Norcross, and Diclemente)***.
It emerged from the studies of successful self-changers, that is, people who successfully changed important behaviors in their lives without professional help (for instance, to stop smoking).
According to this model, if someone wants to change a habit or behavior, they will go through a 6-Stage Process***.
Stage 1: Pre-Contemplation
If we are at this stage, we don't see any need to change.
Our friends and family can think otherwise, but we don’t agree with them.
Imagine, that we usually spent more than 8 hour seated during our day. Our friend, a fitness expert, has warned us about the dangers of a sedentary life, but we rationalize.
Yes, but…
"I go to the health club a couple of times a week."
“I try to eat healthy."
“I’m not overweight."
[...or whatever excuse we use to justify that we are fine, and we really don’t need to change.]
Stage 2: Contemplation
As the name suggests, we start to realize that there is something that we are better off changing.
Yet, we don’t know how, or we don’t feel quite ready to do it.
For instance, in our example of spending more than 8 hour seated.
We are still using the same excuses, but now we feel guilty because we know better.
We start to believe that our friend – the fitness expert – is right.
Maybe we read an article that supports her views, or maybe our last blood work shows some levels that could improve.
We know that we should do something to become more active, but it’s easier to create another good excuse.
"It’s not the right time."
“After this project is done, I will have more time."
“I really don’t know how to go about changing this."
We can spend lots of time in this stage, spinning our wheels without going anywhere.
Stage 3: Preparation
Eventually, we can move to the preparation stage, where we really start to devise a plan with concrete action steps and implementation dates.
“OK, I’m going to implement what I read in this article. I’m going to set a timer for 60 mn. When it sounds, I will go for a walk around the house."
Then, if we don’t take a step backwards and start to doubt our own plans – “Really, I walk around the house. I should be running. Walking around the house, what difference that makes?” – we move on to the action stage.
Stage 4: Action
We do it. When the clock sounds, we get up and walk around the house.
We start to modify our behavior.
This stage has all the glory, but could not happen without the previous stages.