Discussed in this episode:
- Reasons why New Year’s resolutions fail;
- Solutions to the roadblocks to your New Year’s resolution;
- The five stages of making a successful change:
- Stage 1: Precontemplation- When the reality of harmful behavior is present, but we don’t recognize it
- Stage 2: Contemplation - When we start thinking about what making a change would look like
- Stage 3: Preparation - Starting to prepare to make the specific change
- Stage 4: Action - Taking action to make the specific change
- Stage 5: Maintenance - Figuring out how to stick to the change in the long run
- Stage 6: Relapse - Part of the change process is to fail
- “Perfection is only attainable through our acceptance of failure.” - Dr. Greg
- Roadblocks to change:
- Trying to change too many things at once;
- Starting with a habit that is too big;
- Focusing too much on the outcome instead of the process;
- Not looking at the big picture;
- Thinking small changes don’t matter
- Solutions to these roadblocks:
- Break down your resolution into multiple parts and realize how many things you are actually trying to change. Work on one thing at a time;
- Break down these parts into the sizes of the goals you are trying to achieve. Begin with an easy, achievable goal;
- Focus on behavior instead of outcome (example: going to the gym vs. losing a certain amount of weight);
- Structure your environment to nurture change;
- Realize that small, incremental changes will add up
Resources mentioned or relevant:
If there is a topic or a question you would like Dr. Greg to address, please email your request to beinghuman@catholicpsych.com! We would love to hear from you.
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