In the episode, Matt and Moshe speak with Kishan Hansjee, Co-founder of LeadMI. LeadMI is an application that helps customers generate leads, boost SEO and grow website traffic. Kishan has built several applications on the Bubble no code platform for problems he has identified. The chat covers Bubble’s scalability to how best a product manager might leverage its capabilities.
Join us to learn more about the work Kishan is doing with no code platforms and how these platforms can help Product people build mockups to full fledged apps.
* Learn more about Bubble at:
- Bubble: * You can connect with Kishan at:
- LinkedIn: - LeadMI: * You can find the podcast’s page, and connect with Matt and Moshe on Linkedin:
- Product for Product Podcast -
- Matt Green -
- Moshe Mikanovsky -
* Note: any views mentioned in the podcast are the sole views of our hosts and guests, and do not represent the products mentioned in any way.
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