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Economist Podcasts

The Intelligence: Supercharging India’s economy

May 8, 2024
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Explore India's economic growth under Modi's leadership, challenges ahead, Russia's booming arms industry amidst sanctions, difficulties in enforcing sanctions, and the perils of working on a plane. Listen to global politics, business, science, and technology on Economist Podcasts.
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Quick takeaways

  • India's economic growth under Modi requires new reforms to sustain success.
  • Russia's arms industry thrives by sourcing crucial parts from China despite Western sanctions.

Deep dives

India's Economic Growth and Challenges

India's economic growth under Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been significant, making it the world's fifth-largest economy with promising potential to reach third place by 2027. The key factors driving India's growth include investments in digital and physical infrastructure, creation of a single national market, and a strong emphasis on service exports like IT. However, challenges remain, such as the need to address the labor market issues where only a small fraction of the working-age population have formal jobs, highlighting the importance of boosting productivity and creating more employment opportunities.

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