In this episode we discuss:
The major problem with Wim Hoff breathing and an alternative that supports carbon dioxide production
Why using thyroid, caffeine, and other metabolic stimulants can increase or decrease carbon dioxide production depending on the context
Why burning carbs leads to more than a 50% increase in carbon dioxide production relative to fat-burning
How PUFA consumption decreases carbon dioxide production
- The best carbohydrate sources to oppose stress and support carbon dioxide production
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Click here to check out the show notes:
4:20 – energy and the structuring of water as the drivers of health and life and opposition of aging
19:05 – the role of excess lactate and a lack of CO2 in neuropathy and nerve damage in diabetes, glaucoma, and epilepsy
20:18 – how increasing mitochondrial respiration increases carbon dioxide and the importance of using carbohydrates as a fuel instead of fat when it comes to carbon dioxide production
23:16 – how PUFA consumption decreases carbon dioxide production
27:43 – how thyroid, caffeine, and B vitamins can increase carbon dioxide production
29:56 – the problem with Wim Hoff breathing and alternatives that increase carbon dioxide production, including bag breathing and Buteyko breathing
39:57 – carbohydrate sources to oppose stress and support carbon dioxide production
43:48 – other considerations regarding Buteyko, other breathing techniques, and the double-edged sword of prometabolic supplements