**DISCLAIMER** This episode contains content around food and restriction, that may be triggering. When it comes to diets, I've never met one I haven't dabbled in. From Paleo, Keto and Atkins, right through to Lemon Detox, Celebrity Slim and Skinny Teas, I've been there, done that, worn the consequences. Like, I was so committed to that diet life, that I even made up my own as I revealed wayyy back in season 2. Kweens, do not and I repeat do not try that at home. I fell into a dangerous trap, one that took me literally years to find my way out of. Despite being the happy, healthy, and hungry gal that I am today, my health and fitness journey wasn't great. So this week, I decided it was time for some hash tag real talk. And I have the perfect girl gang member to call on for this one... Georgie Stevenson: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/georgiestevenson/?hl=en Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-rise-conquer-podcast/id1451864362 E-Book: https://www.georgiestevenson.net/products/find-your-healthy