(CW: Sensitive Themes). In this episode we’re joined by Dr. Karen O’Donnell to talk about Theology and Reproductive Loss. Dr. O'Donnell is Program Leader for Contemporary Spirituality Studies at Sarum College and the author of The Dark Womb: Re-Conceiving Theology Through Reproductive Loss (published by SCM Press). Over the course of our conversation, Dr. O’Donnell explains how important it is to explore the connection between theology and our bodies, emphasizing that all theology is embodied. Her constructive exploration of the theological implications of reproductive loss stands at the interdisciplinary intersection of theology, feminism, and trauma studies, and stems from her own lived experience of reproductive loss. Dr. O'Donnell stresses that her work is not a theodicy, nor is it concerned to fixate on eschatology for resolution, but operates within the realm of Holy Saturday instead of rushing too quickly to Easter Sunday. Team Members on the episode from The Two Cities include: Dr. Grace Emmett and Dr. Logan Williams. Get bonus content on Patreon