Gabriel Mizrahi (@GabeMizrahi) joins us for this deep dive into identifying and overcoming imposter syndrome -- the sinking feeling that your accolades are unearned, your successes are undeserved, and you'll be discovered for the fraud you (think you) are at any moment by somebody -- anybody -- more qualified than you (which only seems to be everybody)! [Photo by Steve Lundqvist]
What We Discuss with Gabriel Mizrahi:
Why you're not alone in feeling pangs of imposter syndrome (or imposter experience or imposter phenomenon, depending on who you ask) -- it strikes nearly everyone (even elite athletes and military special forces) from time to time.
How to tell the difference between true fraudulence and imposter syndrome -- and act accordingly.
The three behaviors that should help you avoid feeling imposter syndrome but counterintuitively tend to reinforce it.
The two common beliefs that invite imposter syndrome to visit most frequently.
What you can learn from incidents of imposter syndrome to grow more resistant to its eerily convincing distortions of reality.
And much more...
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