Welcome back listeners to episode 363 of The Paleo View!
Stacy is joining in from Austin, Texas will solid WiFi
Also known as rant quality WiFi
After taking a peek at the show outline, Stacy is feeling pretty excited about this week's episode
Sarah had a great camping trip, but they were rained out the second night
What started as scattered thunderstorms quickly evolved into strong storms with a wind advisory and severe weather water
This was going to last 12 hours
So they decided to have dinner, pack up and head home at 9:00 p.m.
After traveling so late, Sarah had to spend an entire day resting up to offset the lack of sleep from the night before
The time that they did have to camp was wonderful
They hiked up to a mountain, down to a waterfall and they savored their time together in full-on nature mode
Stacy is grateful that she has never had to experience a major storm while camping
Matt, Stacy and the boys are excited to explore Austin and to eat at some of their favorite spots
They went from cool temperatures at their last stop in Santa Fe to warm temperatures in Texas
Before Santa Fe, they were able to visit the Petrified Forest and it was an incredible experience
Listeners, add this spot to your bucket list of places to visit
This week Stacy and Sarah will be talking about fad diets
The question that kicked this all off Stacy received from a friend and had to do with phytonutrients in vegetables as being problematic
This friend follows a ketogenic diet
Phytonutrients in vegetables are one of the 'why' points that people in the ketogenic community mention when defending their dietary choices
(14:06) Phytonutrients
Sarah finds this 'why' point to be interesting
It is looking at things like phytates and oxalates as being somehow problematic when it comes to mineral and nutrient absorption
This isn't true, they don't stop you from absorbing nutrients and they don't leach nutrients or minerals from your body
You have bacteria in your gut that actually processes oxalates and phytates and liberate the minerals that are bound
Having a healthy gut microbiome is key for being able to absorb the minerals that are bound with phytic acid and oxalic acid
There are plenty of other nutrients in even the highest phytate and highest oxalate vegetables that will be absorbed without our gut bacteria there to help
So you can't say that you have poor gut health, so it is better for you to avoid these high phytate and oxalate vegetables
The way that you grow those bacteria that help to break those down is by eating those foods
High oxalate foods include organic radishes, turnips, spinach, and arugula
We eat these foods raw and organic, and then we will expose our gut to basically nurture the colony
There is no science that would point to any kind of risk associated with eating these vegetables
This myth has been busted so many times, and yet it keeps coming back
There is a lot of confusion around Phyto versus anti
Phytonutrients and antinutrients are not the same things
There is a huge body of scientific literature showing us that a high phytonutrient diet is one of the most important aspects of reducing cancer risks and cardiovascular disease risk
Most phytonutrients are incredibly potent antioxidants
They are anti-aging
They are anti-inflammatory
They stop DNA from mutating
They can protect against depression and dementia
The range of phytonutrients and their effects is spectacular
We know that there are two things in vegetables that are responsible for all of the benefits that come with a high vegetable consumption diet
One is fiber because fiber regulates our digestive system and feeds our gut microbiome
And the second is phytonutrients because of the huge range of benefits that phytonutrients have
Sure there is a very very tiny percent of phytonutrients that in isolation could have a negative effect
However, they are packaged in this package with so very many more positive effects
Vegetables are really really really important
Stacy is reminded that this is an exercise in being an educated consumer of information
Evaluate the sources of your information
Know where these sources are getting their information and look into those sources yourself
Sarah and Stacy strive when preparing The Paleo View to provide listeners with the base knowledge to evaluate whether or not something makes sense
Sarah has been working to educate people on how to evaluate science and how to value science
This podcast should be a place where listeners can ask questions when the information they are seeing is too confusing and to give you the base knowledge that you need to see something in all of the scientific research
(29:53) Q & A
Jackie says, "what do you think of the Paleo Green diet, Keto Green diet, or the Pegan diet? I have heard Dr. Hyman and Dr. Perlmutter talk about them as it relates to keeping the microbiome healthy by getting tons of low-carb veggies & prebiotic fiber in the diet.
This is a few different variations of recognizing limitations within keto
Stacy and Sarah have talked about the problems with a keto diet in two previous podcast episodes (hereand here)
There were two papers published in 2019 on the ketogenic diet that showed very undesirable shifts in the gut microbiome
Sarah has written blog posts on this research, which you can find using the links below:
Sarah has been talking about this for five or six years now, that her deep concern about keto is that it simply doesn't provide enough fiber
It's so low carb that it is extremely difficult to get sufficient fiber to support a healthy gut microbiome
It is also low fiber diversity
Yes, there is a therapeutic benefit to incorporate a ketogenic diet when treating a neurological and neurodegenerative disease
People in these situations are taking on a keto diet under medical supervision
When we discuss people using a keto diet to support weight loss, this is a different conversation
What is happening now that this research is out showing that keto has all these problems:
1) Some people are dismissing every paper that shows that keto might not be great
2) Other people are looking at the information and trying to figure out how to get the benefits of keto while mitigating the detriments
Dr. Anna Cabeca is one of the leaders of the Green Keto movement
This dietary approach basically combines keto with the alkaline diet
The alkaline diet is rich in veggies, low meat, which has also been well busted in the scientific literature
The idea is that by eating a lot of vegetables that it is healthy for the kidneys because the kidneys control the Ph of the body and the phytonutrients in vegetables provide the raw materials for the kidneys to effectively do their job
However, there is no scientific evidence supporting the low-meat part of this diet
High meat consumption is not strenuous on the kidneys
Dr. Cabeca has combined that philosophy of consuming tons of vegetables (especially green vegetables to keep the carbs low) and has basically created a more plant-focused version of keto
She recommends using supplements to maintain ketosis on this plan
The thought process in this is overall good because you are getting a larger diversity of vegetables and you are getting a lot of fiber
However, there are still other concerns that Sarah has about why this dietary approach is not ideal
There are things that keto triggers in a low insulin environment
We do need to make some insulin because it is important for thyroid health, muscle and bone health, hormone health, and memory
There are a lot of things that this super hormone does in the body
Low carb diets have this fundamental flaw of not providing us with nutrient sufficiency and missing out on some nutrients that our body really needs
It's an interesting thought to try to get the best of keto, but the best of keto is not great
There have been a couple of studies that have shown that when you lose weight on a ketogenic diet that you lose more muscle per pound of fat than you do when you are just counting calories
It is a fad diet that doesn't live up to its promises
Even though Green Keto is a really good thought, it's still not enough
Stacy feels that any lifestyle or diet that requires the purchasing of anything to add to your diet means you are missing something
If you are being told you need supplements or you need this thing to test your ketones, it means that it's not complete in an of itself
It also means that it is not sustainable longterm
Both Stacy and Sarah choose to take supplements because they aren't getting all that they need of certain nutrients (like vitamin D) from diet alone
But Stacy and Sarah are not here to tell people that they need to take certain supplements because it is missing from the lifestyle they advocate
Stacy pointed out the way in which fad diets tend to get hung up in labels
She loves the way Sarah describes the way she eats as a low-inflammatory, high nutrient-dense diet
It is super important for people to understand
This description is a nuance that doesn't sell well as a fad diet book
However, it does really help health as it relates to a longterm lifestyle for people to figure out individually what works for them
(44:20) The Pegan Diet
Jackie also asked about the Pegan Diet which is the terminology spearheaded by Dr. Hyman
Dr. Hyman saw limitations in both a vegan and Paleo approach
He wanted to take the best of both and combined them into a Pegan approach
It's plant-based Paleo, but not in the way that Stacy and Sarah talk about it
Sarah wants to preface this part of the conversation about what Pegan is by talking a little bit about what her upcoming book, The Gut Microbiome is all about
It is not available for preorder just yet, but she is working really hard on it
This will not be a Paleo book
She is going through the gut microbiome research and writing about what the research says
There is no branded diet in it whatsoever
She is building the principles of a healthy diet from the ground up based on our microbiome health
When you build this diet from the ground up it looks like a very veggie-rich Paleo diet with that Mediterranean, olive oil type, healthy fat focus
Moderate fat
Moderate protein
High vegetable consumption, including fruit and root vegetables
So it is moderate carbohydrate
There is room for non-Paleo foods that actually may be very beneficial for us
This includes lentils, chickpeas, split peas, gluten-free oats, rice, and A2 dairy
This book has no diet dogma behind it and simply reflects the research
Dr. Hyman's recommendations include:
No sugar
Nothing that has pesticides, hormones or GMOs
Nothing that is refined or manufactured
High vegetable consumption
Not too much fruit
Healthy fats
Limiting or avoiding dairy (goat or sheep instead of cow)
Always organic and grass-fed
4 to 6 oz. serving of meat per meal
He has a strong focus on food quality
Recommends avoiding all gluten
Gluten-free whole grains sparingly
Lentils are the best
Only eat starchy beans every once in a while
Functional medicine is also another point that he highly recommends
Sarah thinks that this is the best of the trademarked version of a plant-based diet combined with Paleo
This might potentially still be a little carb phobic
However, it does increase Phyto content consumption
Overall Sarah thinks that there is a lot of confusion within the Paleo community, which is why she wrote the Paleo Approach
As new research emerges, there are no prominent figures within the community who shares on these findings
This means that there are people within the community who are not highly informed individuals who are making recommendations that are not based on scientific evidence
There are still people who are following a very high meat consumption version of Paleo
There is still a high level of people who follow Paleo as a meme instead of a way of life
Stacy and Sarah's approach is to try to correct the record about what Paleo is so that people coming into the community understand the importance of vegetables, eating snout to tail, nutrient density, seafood, toxin concerns, etc.
They are trying to create an evidence-led robust scientific foundation for Paleo to stand on
So that people coming into the community are not adopting a fad version of Paleo where they are just eating a ton of meat and bacon and dark chocolate
Where people instead are eating a low-inflammatory, nutrient-density diet
Dr. Hyman has looked at those communication challenges within the Paleo community and has decided to rebrand and create a new thing with a new name that can fall under his umbrella
It's a different solution to the challenges that Paleo has right now as it grows and absorbs different alternative health communities and the different priorities that different health communities bring to the Paleo community
The Pegan approach is interesting to Sarah because it's basically giving up
Paleo has become this unmanageable giant thing, and its a ship now that is getting really hard to steer
Let's just create a new thing and rebrand
In general, Sarah thinks that Pegan is standard Paleo with room for self-experimentation
This generally seems like a thing about branding
Sarah just isn't sure what she thinks about that
She sees the Paleo community as this really amazing group of people who are really invested in their health and she doesn't want to just jump ship on that to simply have a different framework to say the exact same thing
She would rather stay rooted and embedded in this community and help to continue to provide that scientific foundation for her choices and call out where influences from other alternative health communities come into Paleo are misled or nuanced
Sarah wants to make sure that this community is really well informed and understands why one food is great, why one food isn't, and all the world of gray in between where foods can have pros and cons and might work for you and might not
To be able to approach Paleo in not just a balanced way, or a science-led way, but in a non-dogmatic, non-rule based way
Stacy says that it makes so much sense to live in a non-dogmatic way, but use principles
This is consistent with what Stacy and Sarah have been talking about on the show for years
If you look at the way the Paleo community has gone with Chris Kresser's Paleo Code, Rob Wolff's Wired to Eat, and The Perfect Health Diet, you can find countless resources that show the ways in which the Paleo template has evolved as science has evolved
Stacy thinks that it is a lot more difficult for people to wrap their mind around the idea of these are guiding rules about food
But they are guiding, and they are not hard and fast
You will have to figure out what works for you
For Stacy personally, she thinks about food and asks is this nourishing me? Or is it not?
And there is the additional factor of, is this detrimental to my health?
Stacy and Sarah both shared how they personalize based on the years of experimentation they have done
Stacy is baffled that we are still trying to put labels and rules around what everyone can or can't eat
She feels like we are all individual people who come from different genetic backgrounds
And because of these differences, we tolerate different foods differently
It's as simple as getting back to basics
Eating real food that supports health
The more that we really have this mantra with ourselves, "is it helping me get healthier?"
And if it's not, is it harming my health?
Am I using it in a way that develops social or emotional development for myself
It's not just a vacuum
(1:08:37) Closing Thoughts
Sarah has to share one really exciting thing before they wrap up with is week's show
Next week is The Paleo View's seven-year anniversary!
Stacy feels that seven years is a very long time
And yet it is interesting, that here they are revisiting the principles that brought them here, to begin with
It changed both Stacy's and Sarah's lives in terms of their energy, their health, their weight loss, and so much more
The science is still pointing to the guiding principles that got us there, to begin with
Sarah finds it amazing that even after recording for seven years, they are not running out of topics to discuss
Which is a testament to how important it is to approach diet and lifestyle as an education rather than a sound bite
Sarah is so grateful for not just this platform, but The Paleo View listeners
Stacy shared on the level of deep connection that she feels towards this community of listeners
Stacy would love to meet listeners at her final events