Stop Chasing the Self-Improvement Treadmill - Learn to focus on making the world a better place.
We are drowning in self-improvement content to make us wealthier, wiser, more productive sexier versions of ourselves. Yet at the same time, it seems like humanity is going backwards.
What gives?
In the modern-day obsession with ourselves, we are missing out on the bigger picture of how to lead an impactful life that genuinely touches those around us. Yet if we want to be the most impactful version of ourselves that requires us to improve those around us.
This episode zooms into lessons from our cell biology and how we are wired to learn and connect and zooms out to how human organisations and societies operate. By building a deeper understanding of reality through looking at the micro and macro, we find the fundamental lessons we need.
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Meet Sam
Growth Mindset Psychology:
Sam Webster explores the psychology of happiness, satisfaction, purpose, and growth through the lens of self-improvement.
00:00 Applying the Inversion Principle to our Quest for Self-Improvement
01:23 Zooming In and Out of Nature
02:18 From Individual Cells to the entirety of humanity
04:37 The Evolution of Human Society, Trade and Teamwork
05:05 Technological Advancements The Power of Modern Convenience
07:05 Wielding magic alone
08:33 Lessons from Toddlers
11:02 The Messiness of Organizations
14:10 The Illusion of Master Planners
16:01 The Simplicity of Being Nice
17:27 The Kindness in Sales
18:12 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
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