When I got Claire's email, I was so filled with gratitude that I knew our interview had to be our Thanksgiving episode. Claire spent a lifetime (and I mean a lifetime) battling TMS in myriad forms, never knowing that there was a solution that connected all of her symptoms. Plantar fasciitis, fibromyalgia, and finally larynx and voice disorders that brought her to her knees - Claire became ready to look outside of the medical model for answers. When she landed on this podcast, she knew she was at the precipice of something that was going to change her life. And now... Claire is pregnant! Not only is her pain COMPLETELY GONE, but she is poised to be such a wonderful mother now that she won't be parenting through the lens of her own issues. It's such a gift, one that I've lived personally. Enjoy this inspiring conversation full of so much helpful guidance. Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate! XOOX n.
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