Full article and links available at: tashcorbin.com/418
Links mentioned in this episode:
Heart-Centred Business Conference 2025 Tickets: www.heartcentredbusinessconference.com
The 2025 Heart-Centred Business Conference - Lessons from Speakers
Nartarsha Bamblett's Acknowledgement of Country
- I had a big realisation in the part about connection to culture, that whilst I don't necessarily feel a connection to culture related to my ancestral heritage, I do access connection via sub-cultures such as Taylor Swift and being a Formula 1 fan.
Kerry Rowett on Aligning to Bigger Goals
- My biggest insight was realising that I downplay, or sometimes don't even share my goals in certain peer networks - for a range of different reasons, but mostly I can see it's a self-limiting mindset, and one I am committed to breaking through.
Tina Tower on Organic Social Media Strategy
- I realised that I have had issues with my website since 2015 - and whilst I have had a few updates and upgrades, I have had it on my list to overhaul my website for over 9 years now. So it's TIME. That's my commitment for Q4 - I will have a new website by the New Year! EEK!
Nartarsha Bamblett on Intuition and Identity
- One of the exercises was to practice gratitude for the good and the bad, and I shared with the conference room that I am grateful that I created conference, and I am grateful for the financial loss of the first one, AND the fact that I kept running it from there.
Emma Veiga-Malta on Unleashing your Inner Creative
- I realised that I had been treating creativity as a reward for good business behaviour, rather than embracing it as part of the process. Interestingly, I used to do that with self-care and rest - treat it as a reward, rather than a necessity.
Denise Duffield-Thomas on Money Mindset
- The big insight was seeing how my sense of responsibility for others can create a feeling that more financial success will just create more responsibilities - possibly a reason why I have had an income plateau for the last few years. Interesting!
Leonie Dawson's Channelled Message - You are Golden
- One of the things I keep remembering from Leonie's presentation was that birds don't sing their morning song, and then check to see how many likes they got. They sing for the joy of it. They sing because that's what they are made to do. That's part of their identity.
Lisa Twohig on Audience Connection
- The big take-away insight for me came from Lisa's workbook question - What's the easiest way for me to spend more quality time with my audience?
- I'll be playing with some new strategies, and reminding myself that quality time is a priority - because I absolutely agree that it is!
Rebecca Saunders on Going Narrow
- It was powerful to hear once again that reminder that niching is super-important - it gives you the opportunity to go deep with your audience, and to get more specific with your messaging.
Clare Wood on Cash Flow with Confidence
- The more consistently you use a system, the more likely you are to stick with it - so I have shortened the intervals on a bunch of things to see how that works, and already it's made a big difference.
And don't forget - GET YOUR 2025 TICKET!
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